56:3-46 - Penalty for violations of article;  amount;  recovery; procedure

56:3-46.  Penalty for violations of article;  amount;  recovery; procedure
    Any person who shall, in violation of this article, either use, sell, dispose of, buy, traffic in or have in his possession, or in, on or about his premises any such can or cans, or who shall willfully mar, erase or change by remarking or otherwise the name or initials of any such owner, dealer or shipper, so stamped, marked or fastened upon such can or cans, or who shall have any such can or cans on, in or about his premises as in this article provided, shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars for each and every such  can either so used, sold, disposed of, bought, trafficked in, or found in his  possession or in, on or about his premises.

    The penalty prescribed by this section shall be recovered in an action at law, to be brought in the name of the owner, dealer or shipper in any court of this state having cognizance thereof, with costs of action and such reasonable disbursements as any such owner, dealer or shipper, or his agent, may incur in retaking possession of any such can or cans, to be determined in such action.