58:14-21 - Location of sewer;  entry upon and digging up of streets, etc

58:14-21.  Location of sewer;  entry upon and digging up of streets, etc.
    The commissioners, in the execution of said works, may construct said intercepting sewer and the necessary appurtenances thereto to the point or points of discharge and disposal determined by the contract, and for this purpose may pass through or partly through territory situated within the bounds  of any municipality, whether or not it is one of those contracting with it for  the construction of said works, and they may construct any such intercepting  sewer and its appurtenances along, under and over any watercourse, or under or  over or along or across any street, turnpike, road, railroad, highway or other  way, or public park or grounds, and in or upon private or public land under  water, in such way and manner, however, as not unnecessarily to obstruct or  impede travel or navigation, and may enter upon and dig up any street, highway  or private or public land for the purpose of constructing said works and  appurtenances and for repairing and maintaining the same, and in a general way  may do all other acts and things necessary, convenient and proper in connection  with the making and maintaining of the improvement contemplated by the  provisions of this chapter.  The highways dug up and disturbed shall be  restored to their former condition as near as may be.