59:14-4 - Effective date provision

59:14-4.  Effective date provision
    a.  Subtitle 1 of this act takes effect on July 1, 1972;  provided however the Attorney General is authorized to take such anticipatory action prior to the said effective date as he deems appropriate.

    b.  Subtitle 2 and all other parts of this act shall take effect immediately.

     L.1972, c. 45, s. 59:14-4, approved June 1, 1972.

Revision Note.    The acts contained in this appendix  have been compiled  without change in wording.  They  are of such nature and duration that it is not  believed desirable to include them in the revision proper.They have been here  arranged for convenience of  reference and will be indexed the same as other  provisions of the revision.
App.A:3-1.  Definitions
    For the purposes of this act the following terms shall have the following meanings:

    (a) Federal Government means the United States of America,

       acting through the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works, or such other Federal agency as heretofore or may hereafter be designated or created under the National Industrial Recovery Act, and any acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, or revisions thereof, or such other Acts of the Congress of the United States as may hereafter be passed for like or similar purposes;  provided, however, that with respect to any public works project consisting of sewerage facilities necessary for the abatement, elimination or control of water pollution the term  "Federal Government" shall mean the United States of America acting through the Federal Works Administrator or such other Federal officer or agency that may be authorized to  provide Federal aid to municipalities and other agencies for the abatement,  elimination or control of water pollution.

    (b) Public works project or projects means any building, improvement or other public undertaking which any county, municipality, school district, water  district or sewerage district, or any two or more counties or municipalities,  are authorized or required by law to undertake or any lawful purpose, not a  current expense, for which they are authorized or required by law to make an appropriation, and for the financing of which the county, municipality, school  district, water district or sewerage district is to receive a loan or a grant  or both from the Federal Government.

    (c) Governing body means the board of chosen freeholders, board of commissioners, council, township committee, board of finance, improvement commission, or such board or body as now has the power to make appropriations of money.

    (d) Municipality means any city, borough, town, township or village, or any  municipality governed by a board of commissioners, or any municipality governed  by an improvement commission or by a board of finance.

    (e) Resolution means a written act of the governing body adopted by a majority of all the members of such body.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 1, p. 1148.  Amended by L.1949, c. 191, p. 640, s. 2.)
App.A:3-2.  Grants or loans;  application and acceptance
    2.  It shall be lawful for any county, municipality or school district to apply for and accept grants or loans of money or both from the federal government for carrying out any public works project which such county, municipality or school district may lawfully undertake and to subscribe to and comply with any rules and regulations made by the federal government with respect to any such grants or loans.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 2, p. 1149.)
App.A:3-3.  Authorization by resolution;  referendum
    3.  Any municipality may authorize any public works project by resolution of  its governing body.  Such resolution shall be published in full at least once  in a newspaper published in the municipality, or, if there be no such newspaper, in a newspaper published in the county and circulating in the municipality.  Such resolution shall be subject to referendum in the manner or mode of procedure in which an ordinance of a municipality is subject to referendum, as prescribed in an act entitled "An act concerning municipalities,"  being chapter one hundred and fifty-two of the laws of one thousand nine hundred and seventeen.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 3, p. 1149.)
App.A:3-4.  Bond issue;  form of statement;  publication of resolution
    4.  For the financing of a public works project, any county or municipality  may authorize the issuance of negotiable bonds to the federal government by  resolution adopted by the governing body.  Such resolution may be the  resolution authorizing the project or a subsequent resolution. The resolution  authorizing bonds shall be published in full together with a statement  substantially in the following form:


     The resolution published herewith has been passed and the ten-day period of  limitation within which a suit, action or proceeding questioning the validity  of such resolution can be commenced has begun to run from the date of this  publication.


    Such publication shall, in the case of a county, be in a newspaper at the county seat, and in the case of a municipality, in a newspaper published in the  municipality, or if there be no such newspaper, in a newspaper published in the  county and circulating in the municipality. After the lapse of said ten days,  bonds, notes or interim certificates issued pursuant to such resolution shall  be valid and binding obligations of any such county or municipality and  incontestable for any cause.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 4, p. 1149.)
App.A:3-5  Financing projects; municipal bonds authorized; special assessments as liens.

5.Any municipality may authorize and issue to the federal government its negotiable bonds for the financing of a public works project, part of the cost of which is to be specially assessed on property specially benefited, before such project has been completed or such special assessment has been confirmed; in such case, the governing body shall estimate by resolution the part of the cost which will be specially assessed and the bonds issued to finance such part  shall mature in annual installments, the first of which shall become due not more than three years and the last of which shall become due not more than fifteen years from the date of the bonds.  Special assessments levied pursuant to an ordinance or resolution adopted under this subsection shall constitute a continuing municipal lien under R.S.40:56-33.

L.1933,c.428,s.5; amended 2002, c.15, s.12.
App.A:3-6.  Sale of bonds to federal government
    6.  Any county, municipality or school district may issue and sell at one time or from time to time at private sale to the federal government, bonds for the financing of any public works project.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 6, p. 1150.)
App.A:3-7.  Municipality may contract with federal government
    7.  Any county, municipality or school district may enter into agreements or  contracts with the federal government, and may do any or all other things necessary or advisable in connection with any grant or loan of money by the federal government in connection with any public works project.  The making and  execution of any such agreement or contract may be authorized by resolution of  the governing body setting forth such proposed contract in full and such  resolution need not be published.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 7, p. 1150.)
App.A:3-8.  Sale of securities to federal government
    8.  The agreement or contract referred to in section seven of this act, and  the resolutions authorizing the issuance or sale of bonds may provide for, and  any county, municipality or school district may issue and sell at private sale  to the federal government in connection with any public works project, notes,  temporary bonds, interim certificates or other negotiable instruments, which  may be issued before or after the sale of the definitive bonds and may be  funded by or may be exchanged for the definitive bonds bearing the same date or  a subsequent date.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 8, p. 1151.)
App.A:3-9.  Form, terms and conditions of bonds, notes or other instruments
    9.  Any bonds and any notes, temporary bonds, interim certificates or other  negotiable instruments issued to the federal government for the financing of  any public works project may be in such form and be subject to such terms and  conditions, with such privileges as to registration, conversion, reconversion,  redemption or exchange as may be provided by the agreement or contract referred  to in section seven of this act, or in the absence of provisions therefor in  the contract, as may be determined by resolution adopted by the governing  body.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 9, p. 1151.)
App.A:3-10.  Other legislation not affected
    10.  Nothing in this act contained shall affect the provisions of any other  law in so far as such law limits amount of indebtedness or requires a vote of  the people or the approval or the concurrence of any officer of a county or  municipality in the authorization or the financing of a public works project,  or the action of any commission, board or body required by any other law as a  condition precedent to the appropriation of money or the approval of any  commission, board or department of the state required by any other law.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 10, p. 1151.)
App.A:3-11.  Pending proceedings under other law;  continuance
    11.  Any proceedings heretofore taken under any other law by any county, municipality, or school district, relating to the subject matters of this act, may be continued under such other law or under this act, or, at the option of the governing body, may be discontinued and new proceedings instituted.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 11, p. 1152.)
App.A:3-12.  Intent and construction of act;  partial invalidity
    This act shall be liberally construed and the powers hereby granted and the  duties hereby imposed shall be construed to be independent and severable. If  any one or more sections, sentences, or clauses of this act shall, for any reason, be adjudged unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect  or invalidate the remaining sections, sentences or clauses or other provisions  of this act, but shall be confined in its operation to the specific provision  so held unconstitutional or invalid.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 12, p. 1152.  Amended by L.1949, c. 191, p. 641, s. 3.)
App.A:3-13.  Effective date
    13.  This act shall take effect immediately.

     (L.1933, c. 428, s. 13, p. 1152.)
App.A:3-14.  Paying off refunding bonds;  specific appropriations
    1.  Whenever any municipality shall issue after the date this act shall become effective any funding or refunding notes, bonds or other obligations (hereinafter referred to as  "refunding bonds" ) and, in order additionally to secure the payment of such refunding bonds or in connection therewith, such municipality shall be required or shall agree to provide a separate and specific appropriation for the payment of such refunding bonds and interest thereon, computed from year to year and determined by the ratio which the amount of taxes levied for the fiscal year next preceding such computation bears to the amount of taxes collected for such fiscal year, or determined in accordance with any other formula required or to be required by any act of the legislature of the state or of the governing body of such municipality or any amendments or supplements to any such act or any revisions thereof, or agreed or to be agreed to by such municipality in a contract made before, after or simultaneously with the issuance of such refunding bonds or any amendments or supplements to any such contract or any revisions thereof, then in such event a  similar separate and specific appropriation computed and determined in the same  manner shall be made by the governing body of such municipality for the payment  of the interest on and principal of any notes, bonds, or other obligations  issued by such municipality after the date this act shall become effective and  sold to the federal government pursuant to the act to which this act is a  supplement (hereinafter called  "public works bonds" ) and irrespective of  whether such public works bonds shall have been issued before, after, or simultaneously with such refunding bonds.

     (L.1934, c. 252, s. 1, p. 711.)
App.A:3-15.  Approval of budget or tax ordinance by state auditor; expenses  of audit
    2.  So long as any public works bonds shall be outstanding and unpaid and any municipality shall be required by section one hereof to provide a separate and specific appropriation for the payment of such public works bonds and interest thereon, no budget or tax ordinance shall be finally adopted by the governing body of such municipality unless and until a copy of such proposed budget or proposed tax ordinance shall have been submitted to the state auditor  and the state auditor shall have made a certificate upon such copy that such  proposed budget or proposed tax ordinance complies with all the requirements of  this act.  The state auditor is hereby authorized and directed to make such  investigation as he may deem advisable before making any such certificate and,  in the event such appropriation shall not have been included, to insert such  appropriation in such proposed budget or proposed tax ordinance and thereupon  make such certificate and the tax to meet such separate and specific  appropriation shall thereafter be levied and collected according to law and  shall be applied to the payment of such public works bonds and interest  thereon, and to no other purpose.  The state auditor's department shall be  entitled to reimbursement by such municipality for reasonable expenses incurred  by reason of this act and adequate provisions shall be made in such budget or  tax ordinance therefor.

     (L.1934, c. 252, s. 2, p. 712.)
App.A:3-16.  Trust fund to meet payments
    3.  Whenever any municipality shall issue after the date this act shall become effective any refunding bonds and, in order additionally to secure the payment of such refunding bonds or in connection therewith, the tax collector or other proper officer of such municipality shall be required to set aside and  deposit in a trust fund a portion of each payment of taxes, computed from year  to year and determined by the ratio which the amount of any separate and specific appropriation for the payment of such refunding bonds and interest thereon, due or to become due in any fiscal year, bears to the amount of taxes levied for such fiscal year, or determined in accordance with any other formula  required or to be required by any act of the legislature of the state or of the  governing body of such municipality or any amendments or supplements to any  such act or revisions thereof, or agreed or to be agreed to by such  municipality in a contract made before, after, or simultaneously with the  issuance of such refunding bonds, or any amendments or supplements to any such  contract or revisions thereof, and such tax collector or other proper officer  of such municipality shall be so required or such municipality shall so agree  to use said trust fund for no other purpose than the payment of such refunding  bonds and interest thereon, then in such event such tax collector or other  proper officer of such municipality shall set aside and deposit a similar  portion of each payment of taxes computed and determined in the same manner for  the payment of the interest on and principal of any public works bonds issued  by such municipality in a similar trust fund and said trust fund shall be used  for no other purpose than the payment of such interest and such principal, and irrespective of whether such public works bonds shall have been issued before,  after, or simultaneously with such refunding bonds.  Any such trust fund may  from time to time be invested and reinvested in general obligations of the  federal government or of the state of New Jersey.

     (L.1934, c. 252, s. 3, p. 713.)
App.A:3-17.  Effect of act as contract;  enforcement
    4.  The provisions of this act shall constitute a contract with the federal  government and any subsequent purchasers or holders of such public works bonds  and any municipality which shall have issued the same, and shall be enforceable  by mandamus or other appropriate suit, action, or proceeding in any court of  competent jurisdiction, which shall be brought by one or more holders of such  public works bonds of such municipality for the benefit of all holders of such  public works bonds of such municipality.

     (L.1934, c. 252, s. 4, p. 714.)
App.A:3-18.  Powers, duties and obligations cumulative;  tax rate
    5.  The powers, duties, and obligations granted by this act are cumulative and in addition to the powers, duties, and obligations of any municipality under existing law, and nothing in this act shall be construed to limit or restrict in any way the power, duty, and obligation of any municipality to levy  taxes upon all taxable property within the territorial limits of the municipality without limit as to rate or amount and sufficient to discharge the  principal of and interest on its public works bonds as the same shall become  due.

     (L.1934, c. 252, s. 5, p. 714.)
App.A:3-19.  Effective date
    6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

     (L.1934, c. 252, s. 6, p. 714.)
App.A:3-20.  Application for federal grant for new armories, additions and alterations authorized
    1.  The quartermaster general for and on behalf of the state of New Jersey is authorized to file application with the federal government for a grant of moneys in an amount not exceeding eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000.00) for the construction of such new armories, and additions and alterations to existing armories, as may be required for the existing national guard and naval  militia, or proposed increases therein.

     (L.1935, c. 152, s. 1, p. 376.)
App.A:3-21.  Existing sites may be used;  expenditures authorized
    2.  The quartermaster general shall be authorized upon receipt of a grant or  grants for this purpose to utilize existing sites for such new buildings and  additions to existing buildings;  and shall be authorized to employ appropriations then on hand and not otherwise obligated for the engineering and  architectural services, supervision and administration necessary in the construction of such new buildings and additions and alterations of existing buildings.

     (L.1935, c. 152, s. 2, p. 377.)
App.A:3-22.  Effective date
    3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

     (L.1935, c. 152, s. 3, p. 377.)
App.A:3-23.  Amount of federal grant for which quartermaster general may apply, increased
    1.  The quartermaster general for and on behalf of the state of New Jersey is authorized to file application with the federal government for a grant of moneys in an amount of one million, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($1,250,000.00), which amount is in addition to the amount provided in the act to which this is a supplement, for the additional construction of such new armories, and additions and alterations to existing armories, as may be required for the existing national guard and naval militia, or proposed increases therein.

     (L.1935, c. 167, s. 1, p. 398.)
App.A:3-24.  Existing sites may be used;  expenditures authorized
    2.  The quartermaster general shall be authorized upon receipt of a grant or  grants for this purpose to utilize existing sites for such new buildings and  additions to existing buildings;  and shall be authorized to employ appropriations when made for this specific purpose for the engineering and architectural services, supervision and administration necessary in the construction of such new buildings and additions and alterations of existing buildings.

     (L.1935, c. 167, s. 2, p. 398.)
App.A:3-25.  Effective date
    3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

     (L.1935, c. 167, s. 3, p. 398.)
App.A:3-26.  Appropriation for engineering, architectural and supervision services;  limitation
    1.  For the purpose of employing the engineering and architectural services  and the supervision and administration necessary in the construction of such  new buildings, and additions and alterations to existing buildings, for the  national guard and naval militia of the state, there is hereby appropriated the  sum of sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($62,500.00), or so much thereof  as may be required;  provided, that the amount authorized to be expended under  this act shall not for the purpose above mentioned exceed five per cent (5%) of  the amount granted by the federal government for the construction of new  armories and additions and alterations to existing armories for the national  guard and the naval militia of the state.

     (L.1935, c. 198, s. 1, p. 476.)
App.A:3-27.  Effective date
    2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

     (L.1935, c. 198, s. 2, p. 476.)
App.A:3-28.  State appropriations or balances for armory purposes may be combined and treated as unit
    1.  The quartermaster general is hereby authorized upon the receipt of any grant of moneys from the federal government and/or grants from any source for the purpose of armory construction, alteration or additions, to transfer or otherwise combine all state appropriations, or balances thereof, made under any  laws of the state together with such grants for construction, alterations and  additions to armories, and for services in connection therewith, in order that  the total appropriations and grants made for this purpose shall be treated as  one sum and used for the combined armory project;  notwithstanding certain  definite restrictions which may be imposed on the use of these moneys by the  aforesaid acts;  and provided further, that the amounts appropriated in the  aforesaid acts are not increased.

     (L.1935, c. 296, s. 1, p. 932.  Amended by L.1937, c. 46, s. 1, p. 97.)
App.A:3-29.  Effective date
    2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

     (L.1935, c. 296, s. 2, p. 932.)
App.A:3-30.  Applications for funds
    The State Highway Commissioner, with the approval of the State House Commission, is authorized and empowered for and on behalf of the State of New Jersey to make all applications necessary in order for the said State to receive the benefits of any funds to be expended by the Works Progress Administration or of any other funds that may be provided by the United States Government for the employment of those on relief, where such funds are to be spent upon the roads and bridges of the State highway system or upon any county  or municipal road.

     L.1938, c. 10, p. 40, s. 1, eff. Feb. 25, 1938.
App.A:3-31.  Contracts by State Highway Commissioner with federal government
    The State Highway Commissioner, with the approval of the State House Commission, is further authorized and empowered for and on behalf of the State of New Jersey to enter into contracts with the United States Government, or any  authorized official thereof, whereby the State agrees to act as sponsor for the  aforementioned road and bridge projects and to furnish any materials, supplies,  equipment, engineering or other services required by the United States  Government as a condition precedent to the furnishing by the said United States  Government of labor, materials, supplies, and services from the aforementioned  unemployment relief funds.

     L.1938, c. 10, p. 40, s. 2.
App.A:3-32.  Contract apportioning costs on State aid county or municipal road or bridge;  raising of funds by municipalities
    When a project shall contemplate work to be done upon a State aid county or  municipal road or bridge, then the State Highway Commissioner with the consent  of the county or municipality shall enter into a contract setting forth the  share to be borne by the United States Government, the share to be paid from  State aid funds, and the share, if any, to be borne by the county or  municipality from its own funds.  If it becomes necessary for a municipality to  raise funds for the share to be borne by the said municipality, then the said  municipality may raise such funds by resolution setting forth an emergency and  all contracts and proceedings hereunder are declared to arise by reason of an  emergency, all of which shall be subject to the approval and consent of the  State Auditor.

     L.1938, c. 10, p. 40, s. 3.
App.A:3-33.  Expenditure of highway funds on project within State highway system;  transfer of funds;  substitution of projects
    Whenever a project contemplates work to be done upon a road or bridge within  the State highway system, then any funds heretofore appropriated to the State  Highway Commissioner or which may hereafter be appropriated, may be expended by  the State Highway Commissioner in order to carry out the provisions of any  contract with the United States Government, or its authorized official;   provided, however, that funds shall be available within the appropriate budget  item as provided in section 52:22-20 of the Revised Statutes.  Where there are  not sufficient funds available within an appropriate budget item, then the  State Highway Commissioner may, with the approval of the State House  Commission, transfer funds from one item to another.  Where the best interests  of the State require that a project, not heretofore included in a program as  provided in the afore-mentioned section 52:22-20, shall be substituted for a  project within a program, then the State Highway Commissioner is authorized,  with the approval of the State House Commission, to make such substitution.

     L.1938, c. 10, p. 41, s. 4.
App.A:3-34.  Partial invalidity
    If any section of this act or any provision thereof shall be declared to be  unconstitutional, invalid or inoperative in whole or in part, then the section  or provision to the extent that it is not unconstitutional, invalid, or  inoperative shall be enforced and effectuated and no such determination shall  be deemed to invalidate or make ineffectual the remaining sections or provisions of this act.

     L.1938, c. 10, p. 41, s. 5.
App.A:3-35.  Appointments or assignments to employment from relief rolls; exception
    All appointments or assignments to employment on any projects authorized under this act shall be made from the relief rolls of the various municipalities subject to the joint approval of the State Financial Assistance Commission and the Works Progress Administration;  provided, however, that engineering, supervisory and administrative employees not to exceed ten per centum (10%) of all employees on any such work may be selected by the State Highway Commissioner and the Works Progress Administration.

     L.1938, c. 10, p. 42, s. 5a.
App.A:3-36.  Award of contracts after advertising;  statements in advertisement
    In order to expedite the commencement of work on projects to be financed from funds to be expended by the Works Progress Administration and applied for pursuant to the provisions of the act to which this act is a supplement, the State Highway Commissioner may award contracts after advertising for bids for at least one week.  Such publication shall be at least once in each of two newspapers printed in the county where the project is located, and at least once in a newspaper in Trenton, and may be inserted in one or more American Engineering Periodicals.  The advertisement shall give a brief description of the work and materials required, specify where plans and specifications can be seen, or had, the hour, date and place where the sealed proposals will be received and publicly opened and read, and such other pertinent information as the commissioner may include.

     L.1938, c. 81, p. 199, s. 1, eff. April 4, 1938.
App.A:3-37.  Application of supplementary act
    The provisions of this act shall apply only to projects undertaken pursuant  to the provisions of the act to which this act is a supplement.

     L.1938, c. 81, p. 199, s. 2.
App.A:3-38.  Use of allotted funds as sponsor's share of any project undertaken
    Wherever funds have been allotted to any county or municipality pursuant to  the terms of any act whatsoever for expenditure by said county or municipality  upon a State aid county or municipal road and such funds are presently being  held by the State Highway Commissioner for expenditure upon said State aid  county or municipal road, the State Highway Commissioner may, with the consent  of the county or municipality to whose credit the said funds are being held,  use any such funds as the sponsor's share of any project undertaken pursuant to  the terms of the act to which this act is a further supplement.

     L.1938, c. 365, p. 923, s. 1, eff. June 14, 1938.
App.A:3-39.  Waiver of statutory provisions for matching funds
    The provisions of any act requiring the county or municipality to match said  fund are hereby waived;  providing, however, that this shall only apply to  projects undertaken pursuant to the terms of the act to which this act is a  further supplement;  and provided, further, that this provision shall not apply  to funds allotted for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight or  subsequent thereto;  and provided, further, that the provisions of this act  shall apply to counties of the first class only.

     L.1938, c. 365, p. 923, s. 2.
App.A:4-8.  Tax exemption
    1.  Any riparian rights or interest in land under water belonging to the state and hereafter granted or conveyed by the state which shall be included in  whole or in part in any mortgage or other form of collateral or pledge given to  the government of the United States or any agency thereof, to secure any loan  made or to be made by the United States, the funds whereof are to be used for  the purpose of developing such property, shall with such other presently  undeveloped riparian land so pledged, including the bulkheading, filling,  sewering or paving thereof, be tax exempt, during the period of said loan;   provided, nothing herein contained shall be deemed to exempt any improvements  erected upon such lands or any part thereof after the same shall have been  dredged, bulkheaded, filled, sewered and paved.

     (L.1934, c. 143, s. 1, p. 376.)
App.A:4-9.  Payment in lieu of taxes;  default
    2.  The owner of such lands so herein exempt from taxation shall pay to the  municipality within whose confines such land or any part thereof is located,  during the time said property shall be exempt, an annual payment in lieu of  taxes equal to five per cent (5%) of the amount paid to the state for its  interest in that portion of the lands located in said municipality and so described in the indenture between the government of the United States and the obligor, said sum to be paid in semiannual installments on the first day of June and December of each year of said exemption period.  Should default be made in said payments and continue for a period of ninety (90) days thereafter,  then the exemption herein granted shall cease and said property enter the tax  ratables of the municipality within which it is located.  The said percentage  herein required to be paid to such municipality or municipalities shall be  disbursed by it in the same manner as tax receipts.

     (L.1934, c. 143, s. 2, p. 376.)
App.A:4-10.  Local approval of reclamation project
    3.  The exemption herein granted shall not be effective as to property situate within any particular municipality until the governing body thereof shall by resolution consent to and approve the reclaiming of such underwater lands within its corporate limits.

     (L.1934, c. 143, s. 3, p. 376.)
App.A:4-11.  Application of act
    4.  This act is passed to aid in industrial recovery and shall apply only to  riparian lands purchased from the state and mortgaged or pledged to the United  States government prior to July first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five;  provided, that the governor may, by proclamation, fix an earlier limitation.

     (L.1934, c. 143, s. 4, p. 377.)
App.A:4-12.  Effective date
    5.  This act is to take effect immediately.

     (L.1934, c. 143, s. 5, p. 377.)
App.A:4-12.1.  Taxation of state park lands;  L.1933, c. 438, p. 1228, repealed
    1.  An act entitled  "An act providing for the assessment and taxation of lands owned by or held in trust for the state for park purposes," approved December seventh, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, and known as chapter four hundred and thirty-eight of the laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, be and the same is hereby repealed.

     (L.1937, c. 173, s. 1, p. 417.)
App.A:4-12.2.  Refund to municipalities
    Wherever any municipality has made payment of State, State school and county  taxes based on ratables created by the act repealed by this act and when said  municipality has failed to receive from the State of New Jersey any appropriation as provided for in the act of which this act is a repealer, said municipality shall be permitted to receive a refund from the State of New Jersey or be permitted to credit payments made under said act towards future State, State school and county taxes.  Whenever any county has credited to any municipality or municipalities, payments of State, State school and county taxes, it shall be lawful for said county to withhold the amount of the State tax and the State school tax so credited from any future payment due from said county to the State of New Jersey for State and State school taxes due from said county.

     L.1937, c. 173, s. 2, p. 417.  Amended by L.1938, c. 70, p. 181, s. 1, eff. April 4, 1938.
App.A:4-12.3.  Effective date
    3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

     (L.1937, c. 173, s. 3, p. 417.)
App.A:4-13.  Disposition of water system revenues to meet bonds issued pursuant to contract with federal government
    1.  Any city, borough, town, township or village or other municipality in this state (hereinafter referred to as  "municipality" ), in any contract which  such municipality may make with the United States through the federal emergency  administrator of public works, or such other federal agency as may be created  or designated under laws of the United States heretofore or hereafter enacted  relating to the issuance of bonds or other obligations to the United States, is  hereby authorized and empowered to agree as to the disposition of the revenues  of any waterworks system owned by it and of any additions, improvements and  extensions to such waterworks system, and to agree to reserve, set aside and  use such revenues only for the payment of the principal and interest of the  bonds of said municipality which have been heretofore and which may hereafter  be issued by such municipality for the financing of the acquisition or  construction, of such waterworks system and of any part thereof and of any  additions, improvements and extensions; provided, the expenses of operating  and maintaining such waterworks system be first paid out of such revenues.  The city, town, township or village treasurer or borough collector-treasurer as the  case may be, of any municipality making any such agreement, or such other  officer or officers of such municipality as may have charge of the finances of  such waterworks system, shall thereafter dispose of such revenues in accordance  with the terms and provisions of such agreement with the United States and,  after deducting the expenses of operating and maintaining such waterworks  system shall apply such revenues to the payment of the principal and interest  of all such bonds, before using any part of such revenues for any other  purpose. Any bonds or notes which are or shall be general obligations of a municipality shall not by reason of this act cease to be general obligations of  such municipality;  nothing herein shall be construed as affecting the debt  limit of any such municipality as now or hereafter fixed by law.

     (L.1933, c. 450, s. 1, p. 1249.)
App.A:4-14.  Effective date
    This act shall take effect immediately.

     (L.1933, c. 450, s. 2, p. 1250.)
App.A:4-19.  Power to issue bonds;  purposes
    1.  Subject to the terms and provisions of this act, any city, borough, town, township, village or any other municipality (hereinafter referred to as "municipality" ) in this state shall have power under this act from time to time to incur indebtedness, to borrow money and to issue its negotiable bonds for any or all of the following purposes:

    (a) To pay, fund or refund any or all tax anticipation bonds or notes, tax revenue bonds or notes, tax title bonds or notes, emergency bonds or notes, or interest deficiency notes, which recite that they are issued pursuant to an act  of the legislature entitled  "An act concerning municipal and county finances,"  approved March twenty-eighth, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, as amended and supplemented, and a resolution or resolutions of the governing body of the municipality, and any renewals or extensions thereof, whether due or to become due, including any indebtedness evidenced thereby or interest due or accrued thereon;

    (b) To pay, fund or refund any or all amounts unpaid and owing by such municipality or the collector of the taxing district for school, county, state and local district taxes;

    (c) To pay, fund or refund any or all indebtedness of such municipality for  the payment of which an appropriation has been made in any budget or tax ordinance of the municipality, including any interfund indebtedness where there  is not sufficient cash in the debtor fund to repay the creditor fund, any  sinking fund and amortization requirements, contract indebtedness and any unpaid bills or claims;

    (d) To pay the cost of issuance of such bonds, including printing, advertising, accounting, financial and legal expenses.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 1, p. 163.)
App.A:4-20.  Name of bonds;  ordinance;  procedure;  details
    2.  All bonds issued under this act shall be known as  "serial funding bonds,"  and shall recite in the body thereof that they are issued pursuant to this act.  Subject to the terms and conditions of sections three and four of this act, such bonds shall be authorized by ordinance finally passed on or before December thirty-first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six, in the method or mode of procedure prescribed by an act entitled  "An act to authorize  and regulate the issuance of bonds and other obligations and the incurring of  indebtedness by county, city, borough, village, town, township, or any  municipality governed by an improvement commission, or any municipality  governed by a board of commissioners," approved March twenty-second, one  thousand nine hundred and sixteen, and the acts amendatory thereof and  supplemental thereto, or any revision thereof, and shall be issued from time to  time in such amount or amounts, in one or more series, shall bear such date or  dates, mature at such time or times, bear interest at such rate or rates,  payable semiannually, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon  or registered, carry such registration privileges, be executed in such manner,  be payable at such place or places and be subject to such terms of redemption,  with or without premium, as such ordinance or subsequent resolution may  provide, or as may otherwise be determined in accordance with the terms and  provisions of this act.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 2, p. 164.  Amended by L.1935, c. 262, s. 1, p. 842.)
App.A:4-21.  Maturity;  maximum amount;  debt statement or limitation
    3.  Each issue or series of bonds authorized under this act shall mature in  annual installments, the first of which shall be payable not later than two,  and the last of which shall be payable not later than twenty years from the  date of the bonds;  at least one-fifth of the principal amount of each authorized issue shall be payable not later than five years from the date of the bonds, and at least one-half of the principal amount of such authorized issue shall be payable not later than eleven years from the date of the bonds, and at least three-quarters of the principal amount of such authorized issue shall be payable not later than fifteen years from the date of the bonds.  No municipality shall issue bonds under this act which shall exceed in aggregate principal amount the amount of discount on the sale of any such bonds plus the aggregate amount of the outstanding indebtedness of such municipality or of the  collector of the taxing district as of the last day of the fiscal year next  preceding the date of the final passage of the first ordinance of the governing  body of such municipality authorizing the issuance of any bonds under this act,  in respect of tax anticipation bonds or notes, tax revenue bonds or notes, tax title bonds or notes, emergency bonds or notes, interest deficiency notes, whether due or to become due, unpaid and owing school, county, state and local  district taxes, and any unpaid indebtedness for the payment of which an  appropriation has been made in the budget or tax ordinance of such preceding or  any prior fiscal year, or shall at any time issue bonds under this act which,  together with any other bonds issued by such municipality under this act and  outstanding, shall exceed in aggregate principal amount the gross amount of  uncollected and unabated taxes of the next preceding four fiscal years,  including the amount of such taxes represented by tax titles standing in the  name of the municipality, which were unpaid and owing to the municipality or  the collector of the taxing district as of the last day of the next preceding  fiscal year.  No supplemental debt statement need be made or filed prior to the  introduction or final passage of any ordinance authorizing bonds under this  act.  The power of a municipality to authorize and issue bonds granted by this  act shall not be affected or limited by any limitation of indebtedness or by  the requirements of any other law, except as expressly provided in this act,  but any bonds issued under this act shall be included in any annual or supplemental debt statement thereafter made or filed in determining the power of a municipality issuing such bonds to become otherwise indebted, and shall not be deductible in determining such power.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 3, p. 165.)
App.A:4-22.  Provisions of ordinance
    4.  Any ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds under this act shall state:

    (a) The principal amount of bonds authorized by such ordinance and that such  bonds are authorized and to be issued under this act;

    (b) The maximum interest rate which shall be borne by such bonds;

     (c) The maturity dates of such bonds;

     (d) The gross amount of uncollected and unabated taxes of the next preceding  four fiscal years, including the amount of such taxes represented by tax titles  standing in the name of the municipality, which were unpaid and owing to the  municipality or the collector of the taxing district as of the last day of the  next preceding fiscal year;  and

    (e) The principal amount of bonds issued under this act which will be outstanding after the bonds authorized by such ordinance are sold and delivered.

    A certified copy of any such ordinance shall be filed before final passage thereof in the office of the state auditor.  Any matter relating to bonds authorized under this act not herein above required by this section to be stated in an ordinance may be performed or determined by any resolution or resolutions of the governing body of the municipality issuing the same, or the performance or determination thereof may be delegated by any resolution or resolutions to any financial officer of the municipality, and the delivery of such bonds shall be conclusive as to such performance or determination.  After any ordinance authorized by this act takes effect, such ordinance, and any resolution or resolutions relating to the bonds authorized thereby, shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly and regularly adopted by such municipality;  and to comply with the provisions of this and every other law; and the validity of any such ordinance, resolution or resolutions, or of any bonds issued pursuant to the authority thereof, shall not thereafter be questioned by either a party plaintiff or a party defendant.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 4, p. 166.)
App.A:4-23.  Sale price;  exchange or sale of bonds
    5.  Bonds authorized under this act may be sold and delivered at such price  or prices, computed in the manner or mode of procedure prescribed by Montgomery  Rollins,  "Tables of Bond Values"  (twenty-first edition, published by The  Financial Publishing Company, Boston, Massachusetts), as will yield to the  purchasers income at a rate not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum to the  maturity dates of the several bonds so sold and delivered on the money paid to  the municipality therefor;  provided, however, that the price or prices so  computed may be reduced by an amount not exceeding one per cent (1%) of the  principal amount of such bonds. Bonds may be sold and delivered without  previous public offering in exchange for the bonds or notes to be funded or  refunded by the issuance thereof and in discharge of any interest due or  accrued on such bonds or notes whether or not such bonds or notes be then due  and payable and irrespective of any higher or lower rate of interest borne by  the bonds or notes so to be funded or refunded.  Bonds may be sold and  delivered without previous public offering directly to any creditor of the  municipality at not less than par in absolute and complete discharge of any  indebtedness to be funded or refunded by the issuance thereof, not evidenced by  bonds or notes of the municipality;  provided, however, that the amount of such indebtedness and its validity shall be fixed and determined by resolution adopted by the votes of a majority of all the members of the governing body of  such municipality;  and provided, further, that such creditor execute and  deliver to the municipality a general release of such indebtedness. Bonds may  be sold and delivered without previous public offering to the sinking fund  commission or the insurance or pension fund commissioners of the municipality  issuing the bonds, or to any board, commission, agency, or officers of the  state authorized by law to purchase such bonds.  Except bonds sold and  delivered or to be sold and delivered without previous public offering as  herein above in this section provided, all bonds issued under this act shall be  sold at public sale, after notice of such sale or public offering is published  at least once at least five days prior to the date of sale in a newspaper  published and circulating in the municipality, or, if there be no newspaper  published and circulating in the municipality, then in a newspaper published in  the county in which the municipality is located and circulating in the  municipality, and also published at least once at least three days prior to the  date of sale in a newspaper published and circulating in the city of New York,  New York; provided, however, that if no legally acceptable bid is received for  the bonds advertised to be sold at such public sale, said bonds or any of them may be sold without further advertisement at private sale and without further public offering within ninety days after the advertised date of such public offering. Bonds of any authorized issue and of any authorized maturity may be sold and delivered as herein above provided from time to time and in such blocks as may be deemed advisable, and bonds authorized under this act by the same ordinance may bear different rates of interest.  Any such sale, whether public or private, or before, at or after public offering, may be made by resolution of the governing body or may be made by the financial officer designated by resolution adopted by the votes of a majority of all the members of the governing body to sell such bonds.  Any sales made by any such financial  officer shall be reported by him to such governing body at its next regular  meeting, and such report shall be entered in the minutes or other record of  such meeting.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 5, p. 167.)
App.A:4-24.  Irregularities not to affect bonds;  pledge of municipality's credit
    6.  The powers granted by this act shall not be affected by the invalidity or any irregularity in any proceedings for incurring the indebtedness or issuing the bonds, notes, or other obligations to be paid, funded or refunded by bonds issued under this act.  The full faith and credit of a municipality shall be deemed to be pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on any bonds issued by it under this act, as fully as though a statement to that effect were indorsed thereon.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 6, p. 169.)
App.A:4-25.  Budget provisions
    7.  There shall be included in every budget or tax ordinance of any municipality which shall issue bonds under this act adopted in or for any subsequent fiscal year, unless and until all of such bonds and any renewals or extensions thereof shall have been canceled and paid in full in cash, an appropriation under the caption  "reserve for uncollected taxes" , sufficient in amount so that the anticipated cash receipts for the fiscal year for which such budget or tax ordinance is adopted (hereinafter referred to as the "current fiscal year" ), estimated and computed in accordance with section eight of this act, shall equal or exceed the sum of (a) the amounts of all appropriations included in such budget or tax ordinance (except such appropriation under the caption,  "reserve for uncollected taxes" ), (b) the amounts due or to become due for school, county, state and local district taxes  prior to the end of the current fiscal year, (c) the amounts required for the  payment of principal and interest during the current fiscal year upon any  indebtedness incurred for the creation of any municipal enterprise or utility  and of the operating and upkeep cost of such municipal enterprise or utility  during such current fiscal year, (d) the amounts required for the payment of  principal and interest during the current fiscal year on bonds payable or to be  payable in whole or in part out of special assessments on property specially benefited and (e) the amounts of any other anticipated current expenditures of  the municipality for current fiscal year, each of the items of which sum is  hereinafter for brevity referred to as  "lawful yearly expenditure" . In the  event that the exact amount of any such lawful yearly expenditure shall not be  known at the time of the adoption of such budget or tax ordinance, then the  amount thereof shall be estimated by resolution of the governing body of the  municipality;  provided, however, that such estimate shall not be less in  amount than the amount of such lawful yearly expenditure for the next preceding  fiscal year.  In the event that any lawful yearly expenditure shall be included  under any one of the above subdivisions (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e), then it  shall not be necessary to include such lawful yearly expenditure under any  other of said subdivisions.  In the event that the liability and actual cash disbursements of the municipality in the current fiscal year for lawful yearly  expenditures shall exceed the actual cash receipts in such current fiscal year  applicable to such lawful yearly expenditures, there shall be included in the  budget or tax ordinance of the municipality adopted in or for the following  fiscal year, an appropriation under the caption  "cash deficit of preceding  year"  in an amount equal to or exceeding the amount of such excess of  liability and cash disbursements over cash receipts.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 7, p. 169.)
App.A:4-26.  Estimating cash receipts;  surplus revenues; anticipations, etc.
    8.  In estimating the cash receipts for the current fiscal year for the purpose of determining the amount of the appropriation under the caption "reserve for uncollected taxes"  to be included in the budget or tax ordinance of any municipality pursuant to section seven of this act, the receipt shall not be anticipated of any sum or sums of money which will not be applicable to any lawful yearly expenditure for the current fiscal year or which the governing body does not by resolution declare will be received in cash in full prior to the expiration of the current fiscal year, or in any event of any sum or sums of money other than or in excess of the following:

    (a) Surplus revenue, not in excess of the amount thereof appropriated or to  be appropriated in such budget or tax ordinance and applicable to any lawful  yearly expenditure for the current fiscal year, to the extent only that such  surplus revenue is subject to immediate use in cash by the municipality at the  time of the adoption of such budget or tax ordinance;

    (b) Any sum or sums of money, applicable to any lawful yearly expenditure for the current fiscal year, certified by an officer, board, agency, or commission of the state as receivable in cash by or for the account of the municipality during the current fiscal year under existing legislation, from such officer, board, agency, or commission, or from the state through such officer, board, agency or commission, free from any set-off or counterclaim;

    (c) Miscellaneous revenues anticipated in such budget or tax ordinance, applicable to any lawful yearly expenditure for the current fiscal year, not in  any instance or as to any item in an amount in excess of the amount of such  miscellaneous revenues collected in cash during the next preceding fiscal  year;

    (d) Collections, applicable to any lawful yearly expenditure for the current  fiscal year, of a proportion of the taxes levied or to be levied and payable in  the current fiscal year, not in excess of the proportion of the taxes levied  and payable during the next preceding fiscal year which was collected in cash  during such preceding fiscal year;

    (e) Collections of a proportion of the delinquent taxes unpaid and owing to  the municipality or the collector of the taxing district on the first day of  the current fiscal year, not in excess of the proportion of the delinquent taxes unpaid and owing to the municipality or the collector of the taxing district on the first day of the next preceding fiscal year, which was collected in cash during such preceding fiscal year, to the extent, only, however, that such collections during the current fiscal year will not be required by statute to be set aside and applied to the retirement of tax revenue notes or bonds of any year;

    (f) Fees, rentals, or charges for service rendered by any municipal enterprise or utility, applicable to any lawful yearly expenditure for the current fiscal year, not in excess of the amount of such fees, rentals, or charges received in cash during the next preceding fiscal year;

    (g) Collection of a proportion of special assessments on property specially  benefited finally confirmed at the time of the adoption of such budget or tax  ordinance and payable during the current fiscal year and applicable to any  lawful yearly expenditure for the current fiscal year, not in excess of the  proportion of similar special assessments on property specially benefited  payable during the next preceding fiscal year which was collected in cash  during such preceding fiscal year;

    (h) Collections, applicable to any lawful yearly expenditure, of a proportion of the lien value of the tax titles to real estate standing in the name of the municipality on the first day of the current fiscal year, not in excess of the proportion of the lien value of the tax titles which stood in the  name of the municipality on the first day of the next preceding fiscal year  which was collected in cash during such next preceding fiscal year, to the  extent only, however, that such collections will not be required by statute to  be applied to the retirement of tax revenue bonds or notes or tax title bonds  or notes;  and

    (i) Any other or additional sums reasonably anticipated as receivable in cash during the current fiscal year from the above or other sources; provided, however, that approval thereof and consent thereto by the state auditor be first had and obtained as hereinafter provided.

    For the purposes of subdivision (h) of this section, collections of the lien  value of the tax titles to real estate standing in the name of the municipality  shall include receipts arising from the sale or redemption or foreclosure and  sale of such real estate or from the sale, assignment or other disposition by  the municipality of any certificate of tax sale for said real estate.  The  receipt shall not be anticipated under any one of the above subdivisions (a),  (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) of this section of any sum or sums of  money the receipt of which is anticipated under any other of said  subdivisions.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 8, p. 171.)
App.A:4-27.  Ordinances submitted to state auditor;  adoption; auditor's expenses included;  contractual effect of certain provisions of law
    9.  No budget or tax ordinance shall be adopted by the governing body of any  municipality which shall issue bonds under this act unless and until all of  such bonds and any renewals or extensions thereof shall have been canceled and  paid in full in cash, unless a copy of such budget or tax ordinance has been  submitted to the state auditor and the state auditor has certified upon such  copy that such budget or tax ordinance complies with all the requirements of  this act.  Before making any such certificate, the state auditor is hereby  empowered and directed to examine into and approve the appropriations required  by this act to be included in such budget or tax ordinance, under the caption   "reserve for uncollected taxes"  and "cash deficit of preceding year"  and  any estimates, computations or calculations made in connection therewith, and  to require the production of any or all such papers, documents, witnesses and  information and make such audits and such other investigation and do all such  other acts and things as he may deem advisable, and he is hereby empowered and  directed to include such appropriations calculated in pursuance of this act in  any such budget or tax ordinance or in any tax levy in the municipality.  Any  budget or tax ordinance may be finally adopted by the governing body of a municipality at any time within ten days after the state auditor shall have made the certificate with respect thereto provided for by this section, whether  or not the time for the final adoption thereof prescribed by any other act  shall have passed.  Any expenditure by the state auditor incurred in making any such audit, examination or investigation shall be charged to and recovered from  the municipality and may be included by him in the budget or tax ordinance so  examined and investigated or in any tax levy in such municipality.  The  provisions of sections seven and eight of this act shall constitute and be  deemed a contract between the holders of any bonds issued under this act and  the municipality which shall have issued the same, and shall be enforceable by  mandamus or other appropriate action, suit or proceeding at law or in equity  instituted by any such holder on behalf of all the other holders thereof,  and/or by the owner of any property subject to taxation in such municipality;   provided, however, that such provisions and any contract or contracts  constituted thereby shall in any event be subject to repeal, alteration,  abrogation or amendment at the will of the legislature on and after January  first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 9, p. 173.)
App.A:4-28.  Definitions
    10.  The following terms whenever used or referred to in this act, shall have the following meanings unless a different meaning clearly appears from the  context:

    (a) The term  "governing body"  shall mean the body or board, by whatsoever  name it may be known, having charge of the finances of a municipality.

    (b) The term  "fiscal year"  shall mean the fiscal year of a municipality.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 10, p. 174.)
App.A:4-29.  Powers cumulative
    11.  The powers granted by this act are cumulative and are granted in addition to and not in substitution for the existing powers of municipalities. In so far as the provisions of this act are inconsistent with the provisions of any act, general or special, the provisions of this act shall be controlling.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 11, p. 175.)
App.A:4-30.  Constitutional severability of provisions
    12.  If any one or more sections, clauses, sentences, or parts of this act shall for any reason be questioned in any court and shall be adjudged unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining sections, clauses, sentences or parts thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the specific provisions so held unconstitutional or invalid.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 12, p. 175.)
App.A:4-31.  Effective date
    13.  This act shall take effect immediately.

     (L.1934, c. 60, s. 13, p. 175.)
App.A:4-31.1.  Bonds to refer to original act;  definitions
    1.  Any municipality as defined in the act to which this act is a supplement  (hereinafter referred to as the  "original act" ), which shall hereafter  authorize the issuance of bonds pursuant to the original act, may by provision  in the ordinance authorizing such bonds reserve the privileges granted by this  act.  Any bonds issued pursuant to such ordinance shall contain in the body  thereof a recital that they are issued pursuant to the original act as hereby  supplemented, specifically identifying this act by reference to the date of its  approval and its chapter number.  The term "special taxes" , as used and  applied in this act, shall mean any taxes on real estate used for railroad and  canal purposes in a municipality separately valued and assessed under the  provisions of subdivision two (2) of section three (3) of an act entitled  "An  act to revise and amend "An act for the taxation of railroad and canal  property,' approved April tenth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four,"  approved March twenty-seventh, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, and  commonly known as  "se