96-B - Reconditioning permit.

§ 96-b. Reconditioning  permit.  1.  The  liquor authority may issue a  reconditioning permit to a  wholesale  liquor  licensee  to  recondition  wines  and  liquors  manufactured  outside  of  the  state  of  New York  including filtering, clarifying,  rebottling,  labeling,  relabeling  or  repacking  such  wines  and  liquors.  Such  permit  may  be issued to a  wholesale wine licensee to recondition such wines under the  same  terms  and  conditions  as  provided  herein.  Only  wines  purchased in sealed  containers not exceeding fifteen gallons in content or liquor in  sealed  containers  not  exceeding one quart in content may be so reconditioned.  Such reconditioning shall be  done  on  such  premises  and  under  such  conditions as the liquor authority may prescribe.    2.  Each such permit and the exercise of the privilege granted thereby  shall be subject to the laws of the United States and the rules  of  the  federal   agency  having  jurisdiction  thereunder  and  the  rules  and  regulations to be promulgated by the  liquor  authority  and  operations  conducted  pursuant thereto shall be performed under such supervision as  the liquor authority shall require.    3. Each such  permit  shall  be  issued  in  such  form  as  shall  be  prescribed  by the liquor authority and shall be valid for one day only.  The fee for each such permit shall not exceed twenty-six dollars.