9.07 - Objectives.

§ 9.07. Objectives.  The  New York state theatre institute corporation  shall be authorized to:    1. Establish a theatre and education program for the  children,  youth  and  educators  of  New York state, to include the performing and visual  media while emphasizing diversity, multi-culturalism and assuring access  to and involvement of the disabled;    2. Offer New York  state  elementary  and  secondary  school  teachers  in-service  training in the use of theatre arts as a community resource,  as a complement to all other areas of education, and as an extension  of  classroom curriculum;    3.  Offer accredited internships in theatre arts education to students  being trained as  teachers  and  artists  by  both  public  and  private  institutions of higher learning;    4. Offer opportunities for high school and college level students from  private and public institutions of higher learning to participate in the  theatre,  education  and  arts  management  aspects  of  the corporation  through a practicum;    5. Offer guidance and consultation on arts and education  programs  in  public  and private elementary and secondary schools and institutions of  higher learning and community centers throughout the state;    6. Serve as a professional theatre company and an educational resource  center for children and young people;    7. Offer touring programs in theatre and associated education programs  for children and young people  in  public  and  private  elementary  and  secondary schools throughout the state; and    8.  Develop  theatre  audiences for the future by stimulating children  and young people who have had little or no experience in the arts.