175-O - Containers; labels.

§ 175-o. Containers;  labels.  Before any such baby chicks are offered  for sale or sold, each box, crate, coop  or  other  container  shall  be  plainly  labeled  with  appropriate  statements designating the kind and  number of chicks in each such container, the date on which  such  chicks  were  hatched  and  by  whom  hatched,  whether such chicks are sexed or  unsexed, and, if sexed,  such  container  shall  designate  whether  the  contents   are   cockerel   chicks  or  pullet  chicks,  and  any  other  representations made at or prior to the time of  sale  relative  to  the  purity of the breed and such tests as shall have been made on the parent  stock for pullorum disease (bacillary white diarrhea).