7017 - Actions against directors and officers for misconduct.

§ 7017.  Actions  against directors and officers for misconduct. 1. An  action may be brought against one or more directors  or  officers  of  a  corporation to procure a judgment for the following relief:    (a) To compel the defendant to account for his official conduct in the  following cases:    (1)  The  neglect of, or failure to perform, or other violation of his  duties in the management and disposition of corporate  assets  committed  to his charge.    (2)  The  acquisition by himself, transfer to others, loss or waste of  corporate assets due to any neglect of, or failure to perform, or  other  violation of his duties.    (b)  To  set  aside  an  illegal conveyance, assignment or transfer of  corporate assets, where the transferee knew of its illegality.    (c) To enjoin a proposed illegal conveyance, assignment or transfer of  corporate assets, where there is sufficient evidence  that  it  will  be  made.    2.  Subject  to  section  six  hundred  thirty-one of this chapter, an  action may be brought for the relief provided in  this  section  and  in  subdivision one of section seven thousand sixteen by a corporation, or a  receiver,  trustee in bankruptcy, officer, director or judgment creditor  thereof, or, under section six thousand twenty-five, by a stockholder or  the owner of a beneficial interest in shares thereof.    3. This section shall not affect any liability  otherwise  imposed  by  law upon any director or officer.