355-C - College opportunity to prepare for employment.

§ 355-c. College  opportunity to prepare for employment.  1. The state  university is authorized to enter into an agreement with the  department  of  social  services for the establishment of the college opportunity to  prepare for employment (COPE) program for the development of  a  program  of  allowable  activities  and services for eligible participants in the  federal job opportunity and basic skills (JOBS) program.    2. The state  university  shall  identify  such  funds  as  necessary,  including  any  private  funds  provided  for  the purpose of supporting  employment and training  services,  to  be  used  on  a  matching  basis  consistent with federal requirements.    3.  Services  may  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  high  school  equivalency, basic education, job skills  training,  English-as-a-second  language,   job   readiness   training,  job  placement  services,  case  management, career counseling and  assessment,  employability  planning,  supportive  services  such  as  child  care,  and  a youth demonstration  activity providing an integrated program  of  high  school  equivalency,  occupational training, work experience, and job placement.    4.  The  state university shall submit an annual evaluation and report  on the college opportunity to prepare  for  employment  program  to  the  governor,  the  speaker  of the assembly, the temporary president of the  senate, the chairman   of the assembly ways  and  means  committee,  the  chairman  of  the  senate  finance  committee,  and  the  chair  of  the  legislative commission on skills development  and  career  education  no  later  than  October thirty-first following the program year ending June  thirtieth. The evaluation and report shall  include,  at  a  minimum,  a  description  of  services provided, participant characteristics, data on  measures of educational  and  job  skills  gains,  job  development  and  placement, and retention.