1509 - Hearing of objections to order for alteration without consent.

§ 1509. Hearing of objections to order for alteration without consent.  1.  Within  ten  days  after  making  and filing such order the district  superintendent shall give at least a week's notice  in  writing  to  the  trustees  of all districts affected by the proposed alterations, that at  a specified time, and at a named place within the town in which  one  of  the  districts  to  be affected lies, he will hear the objections to the  alteration.    2. The trustees of any district to  be  affected  by  such  order  may  request the supervisor and town clerk of each of the towns, within which  such  districts  shall  wholly  or partly lie, to join with the district  superintendent as a local board.    3. At the time and place mentioned in the notice, such superintendent,  with the supervisors and town clerks, if  they  shall  attend  and  act,  shall hear and decide the matter, and the decision shall be final unless  duly  appealed  from.    Such decision must either affirm or vacate such  order, and must be filed with and recorded by the town clerk of the town  in which the property to be transferred shall lie, and a tie vote  shall  be  regarded  a  decision  for  the purposes of an appeal on the merits.  Upon such appeal the commissioner of education  may  affirm,  modify  or  vacate  the  order  of  the district superintendent or the action of the  local board.    4. A supervisor and town clerk shall be entitled each  to  one  dollar  and  fifty  cents  a  day for each day's service in any proceeding under  this section, to be levied and paid as a charge upon their town.