2604 - Division of city school district into school election districts; elections held in schoolhouses.

§ 2604. Division   of   city  school  district  into  school  election  districts; elections held in schoolhouses.   The board of  education  of  each  city  school  district  shall  adopt a resolution on or before the  first day of April, preceding the  first  annual  school  election  held  hereunder,  dividing  the  city  school  district  into  school election  districts.   The city school  district  shall  be  so  divided  that  if  circumstances will permit, school election districts will be coterminous  with  one  or more general election districts, and that, if practicable,  there shall be a schoolhouse in each election district.    The  election  districts  thus  formed  shall  continue  in existence until modified by  resolution of the board of education.  Such resolution shall  accurately  describe  the  boundaries  of such election districts by streets, alleys  and highways, when practicable.  School elections shall be held in  such  school  election  districts  so  far  as  may  be possible in the public  schoolhouses therein.  If there is no public  schoolhouse  in  a  school  election  district, the board of education shall by resolution designate  the  place  where  the  election  in  such  district  shall   be   held.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing provisions of this section, the board of  education of any city school  district  of  a  city  of  less  than  ten  thousand  inhabitants  may,  by  resolution,  designate  the entire city  school district as a single school district.