2606 - Registration of voters.

§ 2606. Registration  of  voters.  1. The board of education except in  those city school districts which have adopted a resolution pursuant  to  section  twenty-five  hundred  thirty-one  of this chapter, shall, on or  before the fifteenth day of February in each year, appoint  a  board  of  registration  for  a  term of one year, consisting of as many members as  the board shall deem necessary, not more than half of whom shall  belong  to the same political party, and shall designate a place within the city  school  district  where  such board of registration shall attend for the  purpose of preparing a register for each school election district.  Each  member of the board of registration shall be entitled to compensation at  a rate not to exceed that paid at general elections in the city.    2.  The  board of registration of such city school district shall meet  at the designated place for the purpose of preparing the  registers  for  such  election  on  such  day  or days as shall be fixed by the board of  education, the last day of which, however, shall not be  less  than  two  weeks  preceding  each  school  election,  at such hours as the board of  education shall by resolution designate at least twenty days before  the  first  registration  day,  which hours shall include at least four hours  between seven o'clock in the morning and eight o'clock in  the  evening.  The  registers  shall, so far as practicable, be in the same form as the  register of voters in an election district for a general election  in  a  city  or  village  having  five  thousand inhabitants or more, under the  election law. Such registers shall be  arranged  alphabetically  by  the  first  letter  of  surnames,  and  the  place of residence by street and  number, or by a description accurately locating such place of residence,  of each person entered in such registers shall be given.    Notwithstanding any  other  general  or  special  law,  the  board  of  registration  shall  have the power to require the board of elections or  other authority having lawful custody of the register or registers  used  at  the  general  elections  last preceding such school election to turn  over such register or registers to such  board  of  registration  on  or  before  March  first  of  each year for use on the date or dates of such  registration and election, for  the  purpose  of  preparing  the  school  district registers therefrom. Such board of elections or other authority  may,  however,  elect  to  furnish,  in  place of the original registers  either a duplicate of the central file registration records, or  a  list  of  registered  voters,  certified to be a complete and accurate copy of  the names and addresses of all persons entered in such register for  the  last preceding general election as well as the names of persons who have  registered  with  such  board of elections or other authority up to five  days before the date of furnishing such list. On the day  following  the  day of the election, the general election register or registers shall be  returned  to  the  authority  from  whom such register or registers were  secured. In addition, the board of registration shall  include  in  each  school  district  register,  the  names  and  addresses  of  persons who  registered for any intervening school district election,  but  who  were  not  registered  for  the  preceding  general  election.  The  board  of  registration shall, for each election of the  school  district,  add  to  such  registers the names of the qualified voters of the school district  who shall present themselves personally  for  registration.  Only  those  qualified  voters  who  are  not  registered  under  permanent  personal  registration on or  before  the  last  registration  day  found  on  the  original  or  duplicate  registers  or  records or list furnished by the  board of elections and have not voted at an intervening school  district  election,  shall  be  required  to  present  themselves  personally  for  registration.    3. All  the  provisions  of  the  election  law  in  relation  to  the  registration  of  voters  in  a  city  or  village  having five thousandinhabitants or more, shall so far as practicable and consistent with the  provisions of this article, apply to the registration  provided  for  in  this section.    4.  The  district  clerk  shall  furnish  the  necessary  registration  material to the board of registration  at  the  expense  of  the  school  district.    5.  The  board  of education shall publish a notice of registration at  least once in each of the two weeks preceding the first registration day  designated, in a newspaper having a  general  circulation  in  the  city  school district; or, at least two weeks preceding the first registration  day  designated,  the  board  shall  post  a  printed copy of the notice  conspicuously in twenty places frequented  by  the  public  within  such  district.  Such  notice shall state that at a place and hour or hours at  which the board  of  registration  shall  meet  to  prepare  the  school  election district registers, any person who has not currently registered  under  permanent  personal  registration  by the last date found on such  original or duplicate registers, or records, or list  furnished  by  the  board  of elections, and has not voted at an intervening election, must,  in order  to  be  entitled  to  vote,  present  himself  personally  for  registration.  Such  notice  shall  state  the  last  date found on such  original or duplicate registers or records  or  list  furnished  by  the  board of elections.    6.   The  registers  prepared  as  provided  in  this  section  shall,  immediately upon completion and not less than two  weeks  prior  to  the  time  set for the school election at which they are to be used, be filed  in the office of the clerk of the board  of  education,  and  thereafter  shall  at  all  reasonable  times be open to inspection by any qualified  voter of the school district. Upon the filing  of  such  registers,  the  board  of education shall publish at least once in each of the two weeks  preceding such election in a newspaper having a general  circulation  in  the  city  school district, or shall post conspicuously in twenty places  frequented by the public within the school district,  a  notice  stating  that  the  school election district registers have been filed and noting  the place at which they are on file and the hours during which they will  be open for inspection in each day up to the day set for the election.    7. Any person who is duly qualified to vote and who registered for the  preceding general election or any intervening school district  election,  and  whose  name  was  by  mistake,  error  or  neglect  of the board of  registration, omitted from the school election district register, may at  any time either before or during election day request the clerk  of  the  board  of  education  to place the name of such voter on the appropriate  register. If the clerk of the board of education shall find that such an  omission has been made, he shall place the voter's name on the register.  In the event of the failure, refusal or neglect  of  the  clerk  of  the  board  of  education  to  comply  with such request, a court, justice or  judge in a proceeding instituted  by  such  voter  may  grant  an  order  compelling  such  clerk  forthwith  to  enter  the  voter's  name on the  register.    8. A qualified voter may, upon the examination of the registers,  file  a  challenge  of  the qualifications as a voter of any person whose name  appears on such registers. Such challenges shall be  written,  shall  be  under  oath  and  shall  be  on  blanks  to be furnished by the board of  education.    9. Challenges shall be received and preserved  by  the  clerk  of  the  board or other person designated by the board, and upon receipt thereof,  the  clerk  shall file such challenge or copy thereof with the register,  and shall place the words "to be challenged  on  the  day  of  election"  opposite the name of such person on the register.10.  The  clerk  of  the  board of education shall cause a copy of the  appropriate register of such school district to be delivered on the  day  of  the  election  before  the opening of the polls to the inspectors of  election at each voting place within the district at the place or places  where the election is to be held.    11.  School elections in any school district subject to the provisions  of this article, shall hereafter be conducted in the manner provided  in  this  article,  and  no person shall be entitled to vote whose name does  not appear upon the register of the school election district in which he  claims to be entitled to vote.    Any person who has moved from one school election district to another,  in the same city school district and who has not registered in  the  new  school  election  district,  and who is still registered in the district  from which he moved, may vote in the election district in  which  he  is  registered.  Such  person must at the time of voting advise the election  inspectors of his new  address  and  they  shall  advise  the  board  of  registration to correct such registration.    12. The provisions of this section shall not apply with respect to any  person  registered  to  vote pursuant to the provisions of section three  hundred fifty-two of the election law.