2802 - Uniform violent incident reporting system.

§   2802.   Uniform   violent   incident   reporting  system.  1.  The  commissioner, in conjunction  with  the  division  of  criminal  justice  services,  shall  promulgate regulations defining "violent or disruptive  incidents" for the purposes of this section.    2. The commissioner, in conjunction  with  the  division  of  criminal  justice  services,  shall establish a statewide uniform violent incident  reporting system which public school districts,  boards  of  cooperative  educational  services  and  county  vocational  education  and extension  boards shall follow.    3. The uniform violent incident reporting system shall require  public  school  districts, boards of cooperative educational services and county  vocational education and extension boards  to  annually  report  to  the  commissioner in a form and by a date prescribed by the commissioner, the  following  information  concerning violent and disruptive incidents that  occurred in the prior school year:    a. the type of offenders;    b. if any offender is a student, the age and grade of the student;    c. the location at which the incident occurred;    d. the type of incident;    e. whether the incident occurred during or outside of  regular  school  hours;    f.  where  the  incident  involves  a weapon, whether the weapon was a  firearm, knife or other weapon;    g. the actions taken by  the  school  in  response  to  the  incident,  including  when  the  incident was reported to law enforcement officials  and whether disciplinary action was taken against the offenders;    h.  any  student  discipline  or  referral  action  taken  against   a  student/offender,   including   but  not  limited  to  an  out-of-school  suspension, an involuntary transfer  to  an  alternative  placement,  an  in-school  suspension,  a referral for community service, a referral for  counseling, or a referral  to  the  juvenile  justice  system,  and  the  duration of such action; and    i.  the  nature  of  the  victim  and the victim's age and grade where  appropriate.    4. The commissioner shall require a summary of such information to  be  included,  in  a  form  prescribed  by  the  commissioner, in the school  district report cards  or  board  of  cooperative  educational  services  report cards required by this chapter.    5.  By  April first of each year, the commissioner shall report to the  governor, the legislature and the regents concerning the  prevalence  of  violence  and  disruptive  incidents  in  the  public  schools,  and the  effectiveness of school  programs  undertaken  to  reduce  violence  and  assure  the  safety  and  security of students and school personnel. The  report shall summarize  the  information  available  from  the  incident  reporting  system,  and  compare the incidence of violent and disruptive  incidents of schools and school districts and boards with other  schools  and  school  districts  and boards based on similarity in size and grade  levels and other characteristics, including student need and  resources,  as  determined by the commissioner. The report shall also, to the extent  possible, relate the  results  available  from  the  incident  reporting  system,  together  with  such  other  analysis  and  information  as the  commissioner determines is appropriate, to the effectiveness  of  school  violence   measures  undertaken  by  participating  schools  and  school  districts, including the school codes and school safety  plans  required  by  sections  twenty-eight hundred one and twenty-eight hundred one-a of  this article.    6. The commissioner, in  conjunction  with  the  commissioner  of  the  division  of  criminal justice services, shall promulgate regulations toimplement the provisions of this section and to  assure  to  the  extent  practicable  that  the  reports used by school districts are uniform and  comparable with respect to the  types  of  incidents  reported  and  the  responses  of  the  schools  and  the school districts. Such regulations  shall provide for the confidentiality  of  all  personally  identifiable  information   and   shall   ensure   that  any  personally  identifiable  information which is collected is used only for its intended purpose.    * 7. Notwithstanding any other provision of state or local  law,  rule  or  regulation  to  the contrary, any student who attends a persistently  dangerous public elementary or secondary school, as  determined  by  the  commissioner  pursuant  to  paragraph a of this subdivision, or who is a  victim of a violent criminal offense, as defined pursuant to paragraph b  of this subdivision, that occurred on the grounds of a public elementary  or secondary school that the student attends, shall be allowed to attend  a safe public school within the local educational agency to  the  extent  required  by section ninety-five hundred thirty-two of the No Child Left  Behind Act of 2001.    a. The commissioner shall annually determine which  public  elementary  and  secondary  schools  are  persistently  dangerous in accordance with  regulations  of  the  commissioner  developed  in  consultation  with  a  representative  sample of local educational agencies. Such determination  shall be based on data submitted through the  uniform  violent  incident  reporting  system  over  a  period  prescribed in the regulations, which  shall not be less than two years.    b. Each local educational agency required  to  provide  unsafe  school  choice   shall   establish   procedures   for   determinations   by  the  superintendent of schools or other chief school  officer  of  whether  a  student  is  the  victim  of a violent criminal offense that occurred on  school  grounds  of  the  school  that   the   student   attends.   Such  superintendent  of schools or other chief school officer shall, prior to  making any such determination, consult with any law  enforcement  agency  investigating  such  alleged  violent  criminal offense and consider any  reports or records provided by such agency. The  trustees  or  board  of  education  or  other  governing  board of a local educational agency may  provide, by local rule or by-law, for appeal of the determination of the  superintendent of schools to such governing board.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of law to the contrary, the determination of such chief  school officer pursuant to this  paragraph  shall  not  have  collateral  estoppel  effect  in any student disciplinary proceeding brought against  the alleged victim or perpetrator of such violent criminal offense.  For  purposes  of  this  subdivision, "violent criminal offense" shall mean a  crime that involved infliction of serious physical injury  upon  another  as  defined  in  the  penal  law,  a  sex offense that involved forcible  compulsion or any other offense defined in the penal law  that  involved  the use or threatened use of a deadly weapon.    c.  Each local educational agency, as defined in subsection twenty-six  of section ninety-one hundred one of the No Child  Left  Behind  Act  of  2001,  that  is  required  to  provide school choice pursuant to section  ninety-five hundred thirty-two of the No Child Left Behind Act  of  2001  shall establish procedures for notification of parents of, or persons in  parental   relation  to,  students  attending  schools  that  have  been  designated as persistently dangerous  and  parents  of,  or  persons  in  parental  relation  to,  students  who  are  victims of violent criminal  offenses of their right to transfer to a safe public school  within  the  local  educational  agency and procedures for such transfer, except that  nothing  in  this  subdivision  shall  be  construed  to  require   such  notification  where  there  are no other public schools within the local  educational agency at the same grade level or such transfer  to  a  safepublic   school   within  the  local  educational  agency  is  otherwise  impossible or to require a local educational agency that  has  only  one  public  school  within  the  local educational agency or only one public  school  at each grade level to develop such procedures. The commissioner  shall be authorized to adopt any regulations deemed necessary to  assure  that  local  educational  agencies  implement  the  provisions  of  this  subdivision.    * NB Repealed June 30, 2010