4604 - Continuing education adult schools.

§ 4604. Continuing education adult schools.  1. The board of education  of  each  school  district  may  establish  and maintain day and evening  schools for adults, the controlling purpose of which shall be to provide  a general program of continuing education in all  its  aspects  for  the  improvement  of the civic, vocational and general intelligence of adults  and to enable them to make a  wise  use  of  their  leisure  time.  Such  continuing education adult schools may be of the following kinds:    a.  Citizenship  schools providing instruction in English, civics, the  common branches and other subjects which  may  increase  the  civic  and  general   intelligence  of  foreign  born,  illiterate  and  non-English  speaking persons.    b. General continuing education adult schools providing instruction in  approved high  school  subjects,  general  cultural  subjects,  approved  occupational subjects, music, dramatic arts, fine, applied and practical  arts subjects.    c.  Recreation  and  leisure  time  schools  providing  instruction in  physical education, health education, sports, games, arts and crafts and  leisure time activities generally.    2. The common council, council or board of estimate and  apportionment  of  a city, the board of supervisors or other governing elective body of  a county, the board of trustees of an incorporated village and the  town  board of a town may make appropriations to aid and promote the extension  of  education  among  illiterate and non-English speaking persons within  the jurisdiction of such respective bodies.    3. The commissioner is authorized and directed to promulgate rules and  regulations to provide for the notification  of  participants  in  adult  continuing  education schools of the emergency procedures to be followed  in the event of fire.