4803 - Board of managers.

§ 4803. Board of managers.  The board of managers of such school shall  consist  of  not  less than five members to be appointed by the mayor of  such city and of which board the superintendent of schools in  any  such  city  shall  be  one member ex-officio.  Members of the board other than  the said superintendent shall be appointed from  resident  taxpayers  of  the  city  who  shall  serve for terms of four years commencing upon the  first day of January succeeding the appointment.  Such terms shall be so  arranged that the terms of no two of  the  members  so  appointed  shall  expire in the same year, and for this purpose the terms of members first  appointed  hereunder  shall  be as follows:  In case one member shall be  appointed the term  shall  be  four  years;  in  case  two  members  are  appointed  the  term  shall  be four and two years respectively; in case  three members are appointed the term shall be four, three and two years;  in case four members shall be appointed the terms shall be four,  three,  two  and  one year respectively.  Such terms shall commence on the first  day of January succeeding the appointment and their successors shall  be  appointed for a full term of four years as above provided.  Appointments  to  fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired portion of the terms.  The  members of the board shall  serve  without  compensation.    They  shall  receive  their  necessary  expenses incurred in the performance of their  duties.  The amount of such expenses shall be charged against  the  city  and  paid  in  the  same  manner as other city charges.  The board shall  organize by the election of one of its members as chairman  and  another  as secretary.