4812 - Agreements with parents and guardians to pay expense of maintenance; compulsory support.

§ 4812. Agreements  with  parents  and  guardians  to  pay  expense of  maintenance; compulsory support.   The board of  managers  may  make  an  agreement with the parents or guardian of a child in such school for the  payment   of  an  amount  therein  specified  for  the  instruction  and  maintenance of such pupil.  An application for the admission of a  child  with  the consent of the parents or guardian shall not be granted unless  suitable provision be made for the clothing of such child.   The  amount  agreed  to  be  paid  for instruction, maintenance and clothing shall be  secured to the satisfaction of the board of managers.  Such board  shall  ascertain  by  investigation the financial ability of parents, guardians  and other persons legally liable for the support of pupils  admitted  to  such  school  upon commitment, and may demand of such parents, guardians  or persons the payment of an amount reasonably sufficient to pay all  or  a  portion of the cost of instruction, maintenance, and clothing of such  pupils.   The board may  proceed  against  such  parents,  guardians  or  persons,   by  proper  suit  or  proceeding  in  a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction for the recovery  of the amount agreed or  required  to  be  paid, as herein provided.  The amount so recovered, after the payment of  the  proper costs and expenses of such suit or proceeding, shall be paid  into the treasury of the city, and shall be applied to  the  payment  of  the  cost  of the instruction, maintenance, and clothing of such pupils.  Such action at law shall be brought in the  name  of  the  city  by  the  corporation counsel thereof.    This  provision  shall  in  no  way affect the power of the committing  court to order payment as provided in  subdivision  b  of  section  nine  hundred twenty-one of the code of criminal procedure.    Children  committed  either by court or school authorities of the city  shall be a charge upon such city.  Children so committed from outside of  the city shall be a  charge  upon  the  city,  incorporated  village  or  township from which committed.