5705 - Extent to which property may be held.

§ 5705. Extent  to  which  property may be held.  The said corporation  may take and hold real and personal property to such an amount as may be  or become necessary for the proper conduct and support  of  the  several  departments  of  education  heretofore  established  or  hereafter to be  established by its  board  of  trustees,  and  such  real  and  personal  property  as  has been, or may hereafter be given to said corporation by  gift, grant, devise or bequest in trust or otherwise, for  the  use  and  purposes  permitted  by  its charter, and in cases of trusts so created,  the several trust estates shall be kept distinct, and  the  interest  or  income  shall  be  faithfully applied to the purposes of such respective  trusts, in accordance with the provisions of the acts or instruments  by  which the respective trusts were created.