6230 - City university of New York senior college budget process.

§ 6230. City  university of New York senior college budget process. 1.  For  the  purposes  of  this  section  and  section  sixty-two   hundred  twenty-one  of  this  article, the term "approved programs and services"  shall mean and include all programs and services provided by the  senior  colleges  excluding  campus  schools  or  other  elementary or secondary  schools which receive state aid under other provisions of law  and  also  excluding  all  unfunded  accrued  liability  payments, revised unfunded  accrued liability payments (as defined in subdivision seven  of  section  sixty-two hundred two of this article), installments of nineteen hundred  eighty  unfunded accrued liability adjustment (as defined in subdivision  eight of such section sixty-two hundred two), installments  of  nineteen  hundred  eighty-two unfunded accrued liability adjustment (as defined in  subdivision eight-a of such section sixty-two hundred two), installments  of  NYCERS  nineteen  hundred  eighty-five  unfunded  accrued  liability  adjustment   attributable   to   the  senior  colleges  (as  defined  in  subdivision eight-b of such section sixty-two hundred two), installments  of  NYCTRS  nineteen  hundred  eighty-five  unfunded  accrued  liability  adjustment  (as defined in subdivision eight-c of such section sixty-two  hundred  two),  installments  of  NYCTRS  nineteen  hundred   eighty-six  unfunded accrued liability adjustment (as defined in subdivision eight-d  of  such  section  sixty-two hundred two), installments of New York city  employees' retirement  system  nineteen  hundred  eighty-eight  unfunded  accrued  liability  adjustment  attributable  to the senior colleges (as  defined in subdivision eight-e of such section sixty-two  hundred  two),  installments  of  New  York  city  teachers'  retirement system nineteen  hundred eighty-eight unfunded accrued liability adjustment  attributable  to  the  senior  colleges  (as  defined  in  subdivision eight-f of such  section sixty-two hundred two), installments  of  any  NYCERS  post-June  thirtieth, nineteen hundred ninety unfunded accrued liability adjustment  attributable  to  the senior colleges (as defined in subdivision eight-g  of such section sixty-two  hundred  two),  installments  of  any  NYCTRS  post-June  thirtieth, nineteen hundred ninety unfunded accrued liability  adjustment  attributable  to  the  senior  colleges   (as   defined   in  subdivision   eight-h   of   such   section   sixty-two   hundred  two),  contributions for twenty-year amortization of  nineteen  hundred  ninety  senior  college consolidated UAL and senior college remainder of BSL (as  defined in subdivision eight-o of section sixty-two hundred two of  this  article)  and  balance  sheet  liability  contributions  (as  defined in  subdivision nine of such section sixty-two hundred two) required  to  be  made  pursuant  to  chapters  nine  hundred  seventy-five,  nine hundred  seventy-six and nine hundred  seventy-seven  of  the  laws  of  nineteen  hundred  seventy-seven  or  the  provisions  of  law referred to in such  subdivisions with respect to pension contributions,  provided  that  all  such  programs  have  been  approved as a part of the master plan of the  city university and as a part of the regents plan for  higher  education  or general revision thereof pursuant to section two hundred thirty-seven  of this chapter.    2.  For  each  city fiscal year, the chancellor of the city university  shall prepare a proposed operating and capital budget for  all  approved  programs  and  services of the senior colleges in such form and contents  as shall be required by the state director of the budget. Such  proposed  operating  and  capital budget, after approval by the board of trustees,  shall be submitted to the governor by the first day of October  of  each  year,  with  copies  at  such  time to the state director of the budget,  senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee,  for  information  purposes,  the  director  of  the  office of management and  budget of the city of New York.3. The governor shall submit his recommendations with respect to  such  city  university of New York senior college operating and capital budget  to  the  legislature  as  part  of  the  local  assistance  and  capital  construction portions of the executive budget, as appropriate.