13-104 - Special provisions as to the time for holding a primary election in the city of New York in the year nineteen hundred eighty-one.

*  §  13-104.  Special provisions as to the time for holding a primary  election  in  the  city  of  New  York  in  the  year  nineteen  hundred  eighty-one.  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this chapter,  the times fixed for the annual primary election for the city of New York  for all judges of the civil court elected from municipal court districts  and  for  delegates  and  alternate  delegates  to   judicial   district  conventions  and  certain  proceedings  relating  thereto  shall  be  as  follows:    1. The  first  day  for  signing  designating  petitions  for  primary  elections shall be the sixteenth day of June.    2.  The  first  day  to  sign  petitions  for opportunity to ballot in  primary elections without naming a candidate shall be the seventh day of  July.    3. The primary election shall be held  on  the  twenty-second  day  of  September.    4. A judicial district convention for nominating candidates for public  office shall be held not earlier than the twenty-second day of September  nor later than the sixth day of October.    5.  A  certificate  of  party  nomination  made at a judicial district  convention for an office to be filled at the general election  shall  be  filed not later than the seventh day of October.    6. A certificate of acceptance or declination, whenever required, of a  party  nomination  made at a judicial district convention, for an office  to be filled at the general election shall be filed not later  than  the  ninth day of October.    7.  A  certificate  to fill a vacancy caused by declination of a party  nomination made at judicial district convention  for  an  office  to  be  filled  at  the  general  election  shall  be  filed  not later than the  thirteenth day of October.    * NB Expired December 31, 1981