17-150 - Duress and intimidation of voters.

§ 17-150. Duress and intimidation of voters. Any person or corporation  who directly or indirectly:    1.  Uses  or  threatens  to  use  any force, violence or restraint, or  inflicts or threatens to inflict any injury, damage, harm or loss, or in  any other manner practices intimidation upon or against  any  person  in  order to induce or compel such person to vote or refrain from voting for  or  against  any  particular  person  or  for or against any proposition  submitted to voters at such election, or to place or cause to be  placed  or refrain from placing or causing to be placed his name upon a registry  of  voters,  or on account of such person having voted or refrained from  voting at such election, or having voted or refrained from voting for or  against any  particular  person  or  persons,  or  for  or  against  any  proposition  submitted  to voters at such election, or having registered  or refrained from registering as a voter; or,    2. By abduction, duress  or  any  forcible  or  fraudulent  device  or  contrivance  whatever impedes, prevents or otherwise interferes with the  free exercise of the  elective  franchise  by  any  voter,  or  compels,  induces  or  prevails  upon any voter to give or refrain from giving his  vote for or against any particular person at any election; or,    3. Being an employer pays his employess the salary  or  wages  due  in  "pay  envelopes,"  in  which  there  is  enclosed or upon which there is  written or  printed  political  motto,  device  or  argument  containing  threats,  express  or  implied,  intended or calculated to influence the  political opinions or actions of such employees, or within  ninety  days  of a general election puts or otherwise exhibits in the establishment or  place  where his employees are engaged in labor, any handbill or placard  containing any threat, notice or information,  that  if  any  particular  ticket  or  candidate  is  elected  or  defeated,  work  in his place or  establishment will cease, in whole or in part, his establishment will be  closed up, or the wages of his  employees  reduced,  or  other  threats,  express  or  implied,  intended or calculated to influence the political  opinions or actions of his employees, is guilty of a  misdemeanor,  and,  if a corporation, shall in addition forfeit its charter.