5-106 - Qualifications of voters; reasons for exclusion.

§ 5-106. Qualifications of voters; reasons for exclusion.    1.  No  person who shall receive, accept, or offer to receive, or pay,  offer or promise to pay, contribute, offer or promise to  contribute  to  another,  to be paid or used, any money or any other valuable thing as a  compensation or reward for the  giving  or  withholding  a  vote  at  an  election,  or for registering or refraining from registering as a voter,  or who shall make any promise to influence the giving or withholding  of  any  such  vote or registration, or who shall make or become directly or  indirectly interested in any bet or wager depending upon the  result  of  an election, shall vote at such election.    2.  No  person who has been convicted of a felony pursuant to the laws  of this state, shall have the right to  register  for  or  vote  at  any  election unless he shall have been pardoned or restored to the rights of  citizenship by the governor, or his maximum sentence of imprisonment has  expired,  or  he has been discharged from parole. The governor, however,  may attach as a condition to any such pardon a provision that  any  such  person  shall  not  have  the right of suffrage until it shall have been  separately restored to him.    3. No person who has been convicted in a federal court, of  a  felony,  or  a crime or offense which would constitute a felony under the laws of  this state, shall have the right to register for or vote at any election  unless he shall  have  been  pardoned  or  restored  to  the  rights  of  citizenship  by  the  president  of  the  United  States, or his maximum  sentence of imprisonment has expired, or he  has  been  discharged  from  parole.    4.  No  person  who has been convicted in another state for a crime or  offense which would constitute a felony under the  laws  of  this  state  shall  have  the  right  to register for or vote at any election in this  state unless he shall have been pardoned or restored to  the  rights  of  citizenship by the governor or other appropriate authority of such other  state,  or  his  maximum sentence has expired, or he has been discharged  from parole.    5. The provisions of subdivisions two, three and four of this  section  shall  not  apply  if the person so convicted is not sentenced to either  death or imprisonment, or if the execution of a sentence of imprisonment  is suspended.    6. No person who has been adjudged incompetent by order of a court  of  competent  judicial  authority  shall  have the right to register for or  vote at any election in this state unless thereafter he shall have  been  adjudged competent pursuant to law.