5-310 - Enrollment; forms of affidavits, mailing requirements.

§  5-310.  Enrollment;  forms of affidavits, mailing requirements.  1.  The  board  shall  prepare  forms  for  the  various  applications   and  affidavits  required  under  this  title  and,  upon  application, shall  furnish a copy of the appropriate form to or for any voter  desiring  to  use  the  same,  and  an additional copy if required. Copies also may be  sold by the board, at cost, to any qualified voter.    2. Except when a voter is  expressly  required  to  file  a  paper  in  person,  such  paper  may be filed either in person, by agent or sent by  mail.  Mailing within the state and  within  the  times  prescribed  for  filing  shall  be  sufficient if the affidavit be received by the board.  The postmark shall be sufficient proof of the date of mailing. If mailed  outside of the state or if the postmark  is  omitted  or  illegible  the  affidavit  must  be received by the board within the times so prescribed  for filing.