5-604 - Enrollment lists; publication of.

§ 5-604.  Enrollment lists; publication of.    1.  The  board  of elections shall also cause to be published for each  election district a complete list  of  the  registered  voters  of  each  election  district.  Such  list  shall,  in  addition to the information  required for registration lists, include the party  enrollment  of  each  voter.  At  least  as  many copies of such list shall be prepared as the  required minimum number of registration lists.    Lists for all the election districts in a ward  or  assembly  district  may  be  bound together in one volume. The board of elections shall also  cause to be published a complete list of names and  residence  addresses  of  the registered voters, including the party enrollment of each voter,  for each town and city over which the board has jurisdiction. The  names  for each town and city may be arranged according to street and number or  alphabetically.  Such  lists  shall be published before the first day of  April. The board shall keep at least five copies for  public  inspection  at each main office or branch office of the board. Surplus copies of the  lists shall be sold at a charge not exceeding the cost of publication.    2.  Immediately  after  the  publication of such lists the board shall  send at least one true copy, duly certified, of each such  list  to  the  state board of elections.