5-3.4 - Action in supreme court by child born after execution of will, by surviving spouse upon revocation of will by marriage or by subscribing witness with

§ 5-3.4 Action  in  supreme court by child born after execution of will,            by surviving spouse upon revocation of will by marriage or  by            subscribing witness with interest under will    In  the  event  that  the administration of a decedent's estate in the  surrogate's court has been completed  and  the  estate  distributed,  an  action  may  be  maintained  in the supreme court by an after-born child  under 5-3.2, a surviving spouse under  5-1.3  or  an  attesting  witness  under  3-3.2  to enforce rights under such sections against testamentary  beneficiaries or distributees, as the case may be.