8 - Registration of aliens.

§ 8. Registration  of aliens.   Whenever a state of war exists between  the United States and a foreign country, or,  in  the  judgment  of  the  governor  public  safety or necessity requires such action, the governor  may, by proclamation, direct every subject or citizen  of  such  foreign  countries as the governor may designate in such proclamation, who are in  this  state, or who may from time to time come into the state, to appear  within twenty-four hours after the date specified in  such  proclamation  or after arrival within the state, before such public authorities as the  governor may designate in such proclamation, and personally register his  or  her  name,  residence,  business,  length  of  stay  and  such other  information as the governor shall prescribe. Such proclamation shall  be  published in such newspapers as the governor may designate. Every person  to  whom  such  proclamation  is  applicable shall also comply with such  rules or personal identification as the governor shall from time to time  prescribe. The occupant of  every  private  residence,  and  the  owner,  lessee  or  proprietor, operating or managing every hotel, inn, boarding  or  rooming  house  shall,  within  twenty-four  hours  after  the  date  specified  in  such  proclamation, notify such public authorities of the  presence therein of every subject or citizen of  a  foreign  country  to  whom  such  proclamation  is  applicable,  and shall each day thereafter  notify such public authorities  of  the  arrival  thereat  or  departure  therefrom of every such subject or citizen. A failure to comply with any  such  proclamation  or to perform any act required by this section shall  be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of  not  exceeding  one  thousand  dollars, or imprisonment for one year or both.