709-A - Office of counterterrorism.

§  709-a.  Office  of counterterrorism. The office of counterterrorism  shall develop and analyze the state's policies, protocols and strategies  relating to the prevention and detection of terrorist acts and terrorist  threats. The office  shall  also  be  responsible  for  the  collection,  analysis  and  sharing  of information relating to terrorist threats and  terrorist activities  throughout  the  state;  coordinating  strategies,  protocols  and  first  responder equipment needs to detect a biological,  chemical or radiological terrorist act or threat; working  with  private  entities and local, state and federal agencies to conduct assessments of  the  vulnerability  of  critical infrastructure to terrorist attack; and  consulting with appropriate state  and  local  governments  and  private  entities  to  facilitate  and  foster  cooperation to better prepare the  state to prevent and detect threats and acts of terrorism.