843 - Division homepage on the internet.

§  843.  Division  homepage  on  the internet. 1. Definitions. For the  purposes of this section the following terms shall  have  the  following  meanings:    (a)  "Internet"  shall  mean an international computer network of both  federal and non-federal  interoperable  packet  switched  data  networks  which users may access through a service provider.    (b)  "Homepage" shall mean an individual site or address of a document  or file where particular information can be located.    2. The commissioner shall construct, operate and maintain  a  homepage  on  the  internet  for the purpose of providing a mechanism for the wide  dissemination of information relating to criminal justice issues.    3. The homepage directed to be created by this section  shall  include  pictures  and such other information as the commissioner deems necessary  pertaining to missing children who resided in New York at  the  time  of  their disappearance or whose parent, parents or legal guardian currently  reside in New York state.    4. Such homepage shall also contain pictures and information regarding  the  ten  most  wanted  criminals in New York state as determined by the  superintendent of state police.    5. Such  homepage  shall  also  contain  the  subdirectory  maintained  pursuant to section one hundred sixty-eight-q of the correction law.    6.  The  commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary  to carry out the provisions of this section. Such rules and  regulations  shall   include   procedures   for   determining   whether   issues   of  confidentiality  or  constitutionality  exist   with   regard   to   any  information  proposed  to  be  included  on  the homepage created by the  division. Where there is a question as to whether the  dissemination  of  certain information by the state would be a violation of confidentiality  or  of an individual's constitutional rights, such information shall not  be included on the division's homepage.