974 - Special coordinating functions of the council.

§ 974. Special  coordinating  functions of the council. 1. The council  shall have the responsibility to:    a. encourage the efficient and effective use of the  entire  range  of  workforce preparation programs in operation in the state by (i) emphasis  of  this  objective  as  it  carries  out  its  responsibilities for the  development of the governor's  coordination  and  the  special  services  plan,  the  review of service delivery area plans, and the establishment  of coordination criteria; (ii)  serving  as  a  focal  point  for  state  efforts  to  overcome  coordination  obstacles and to settle interagency  disagreements that harm or  interfere  with  a  comprehensive  approach;  (iii)  fostering  the  development of information sharing, communication  among interested parties, and effective means for  the  measurement  and  publicizing of coordination performance.    b.  review  and  comment  on  the coordination mechanisms presented in  service delivery area  plans  and  in  the  administrative  arrangements  employed by state and local agencies administering workforce preparation  program;    c. identify barriers to coordination and work to overcome them by such  means  as  recommending coordinative measures to service delivery areas,  the governor and, when appropriate, the legislature;    d. identify exemplary coordination practices  and  successful  program  models  among  the service delivery areas and encourage the use of those  in other service delivery areas.    2. On  or  before  March  first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-four,  the  committee  shall  report  to  the  governor  and  the legislature on the  operation of workforce preparation programs funded under the  act.  Such  report shall include, but not be limited to, the following:    a.  an  analysis  of  opportunities for improving the effectiveness of  workforce preparation programs in the state;    b. an analysis of the performance of workforce preparation programs in  the state including comparisons of the effectiveness and  efficiency  of  programs  of  various  types,  programs  in the various service delivery  areas in the state and comparisons of the effectivness and efficiency of  New York state programs with those of other states;    c.  an  analysis  of  administrative  arrangements  and   coordinative  mechanisms  currently  being  utilized  in  the  management of workforce  preparation programs in New York state and recommendations for enhancing  linkages  among  business,  labor,  educational   institutions,   social  services agencies and other service providers;    d.  recommendations  for statutory or regulatory changes necessary for  achieving  a  coordinated   and   consolidated   statewide   vocational,  occupational and job skills training program;    e.  recommendations  for  changes in the program performance standards  used  in  evaluating  programs  funded  under  the  act  and   suggested  performance standards for other workforce preparation program components  including methodologies for dealing with difficulties such as the higher  costs  of  serving  clients  with  special  placement  problems  and the  different economic conditions in the various regions of the state;    f. recommendations for better utilization of educational resources  in  the  workforce  preparation field with specific attention to eliminating  duplicative efforts and coordinating programming efforts between  boards  of cooperative educational services and community colleges;    g.  an  evaluation of the labor market information system including an  assessment of the effectiveness of the  state  occupational  information  coordinating  committee  and  the  possibility  of  alternative means of  gathering and disseminating labor market information; andh. a discussion of opportunities  for  improving  the  labor  exchange  mechanisms,  including  the  job  service,  that  are  used in workforce  preparation programs.