160-AAA - Definitions.

§ 160-aaa. Definitions. For the purposes of this article:    1.   "Independent  livery  driver"  means  a  livery  driver  that  is  dispatched by an independent livery base.    2. "Annualized basis" means  the  product  of  the  number  of  livery  drivers  affiliated  with  a  dispatching  livery base and the number of  months each such driver is affiliated with the livery base,  divided  by  twelve.    3.  "Covered  services"  means  all  dispatches  from  a  livery  base  regardless of where the pick-up or discharge occurs.    4.  "Fund"  means  the  independent  livery  driver  benefit  fund  as  established in this article.    5.  "Independent  livery  base"  has  the same meaning as set forth in  section eighteen-c of the workers' compensation law.    6. "Livery" means a for-hire vehicle licensed  by  a  local  taxi  and  limousine  commission,  carrying  no  more  than five passengers or such  other limited number as set by a local taxi  and  limousine  commission,  which  charges  for  service on the basis of flat rate, time, mileage or  zones, and which is dispatched by a livery dispatch facility, but  shall  not  include  a  vehicle  owned  or  driven  by a black car operator, as  defined in article six-F of this chapter.    7. "Livery driver" means  an  individual  that  drives  a  livery,  is  dispatched by a livery base, receives compensation for such driving, and  is licensed to do so by a local taxi and limousine commission.    8.  "Livery  base" means a central facility that manages, organizes or  dispatches liveries, and is licensed to  do  so  by  a  local  taxi  and  limousine commission.    9.  "Livery  registrant"  means  a  person  in  whose name a livery is  licensed by a local taxi and limousine commission.    10. "Local taxi and  limousine  commission"  means  a  unit  of  local  government  in  New  York  city,  Nassau  county  or  Westchester county  authorized to license and regulate liveries.