380-J - Prohibited information.

§  380-j.  Prohibited  information.  (a)  No consumer reporting agency  shall report or maintain in the file on a consumer, information:    (1) relative to an arrest or a criminal charge unless there has been a  criminal conviction for such offense, or unless such charges  are  still  pending,    (2) relative to a consumer's race, religion, color, ancestry or ethnic  origin, or    (3) which it has reason to know is inaccurate.    (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph one of subdivision (a)  of  this  section,  a  consumer  reporting agency may collect, evaluate,  prepare, use or  report  information  relative  to  a  detention  of  an  individual by a retail mercantile establishment, provided that:    (1) the individual has executed an uncoerced admission of wrongdoing;    (2) with respect to a detention made on or after the effective date of  this   article   the  retail  mercantile  establishment  has,  prior  to  transmitting to a consumer reporting agency information concerning  such  detention, delivered to the individual a written notice containing:    (i)  a  statement  that the information may be furnished to a consumer  reporting agency, and that such information may be reported to a  retail  mercantile establishment for employment purposes,    (ii)  a  statement  that  the individual may request disclosure by the  consumer reporting agency of information in the agency's  file  on  such  individual,  and  that  the completeness or accuracy of such information  may be disputed by the individual, and    (iii) the name and address of such consumer reporting agency; and    (3) the user of such information certifies to the  consumer  reporting  agency  that  such  information  will  be  used  only in connection with  employment purposes.    (c) In the event that a criminal charge is  filed  subsequent  to  the  detention  described in subdivision (b) of this section, the disposition  of such charge shall be recorded by the consumer reporting agency in the  file on such individual upon the request of such individual and upon his  furnishing proof of such disposition.    (d) No consumer reporting agency shall issue a consumer  report  which  lists  a person as having been denied credit if the sole reason for such  denial is lack of sufficient information to  grant  credit,  unless  the  report states that the denial was for such reason.    (e)  Consumer  reporting agencies shall maintain reasonable procedures  designed  to  assure  maximum  possible  accuracy  of  the   information  concerning the individual about whom the report relates.    (f)  (1) Except as authorized under paragraph two of this subdivision,  no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any  of the following items of information.   (i)  bankruptcies  which,  from  date  of adjudication of the most recent bankruptcy, antedate the report  by more than fourteen years;    (ii) judgements which, from date of entry, antedate the report by more  than seven years or until  the  governing  statute  of  limitations  has  expired,  whichever  is the longer period; or judgments which, from date  of entry, having been satisfied within a  five  year  period  from  such  entry date, shall be removed from the report five years after such entry  date;    (iii)  paid tax liens which, from date of payment, antedate the report  by more than seven years or, a  paid,  satisfied  or  vacated  tax  lien  involving a purchaser, transferee or assignee in a bulk sale transaction  who  has  been deemed liable by the state tax commission for sales taxes  due from a seller, transferrer or  assignor  under  subdivision  (c)  of  section  eleven hundred forty-one of the tax law, where the receipt by a  credit reporting agency from such purchaser, transferee or assignee of anotice, or true copy thereof, from the  state  tax  commission  to  such  purchaser,  transferee  or  assignee  that his liability has been wholly  paid or satisfied or no longer exists, antedates the report by more than  thirty days;    (iv)  accounts  placed  for  collection  or charged to profit and loss  which antedate the report by more than seven years; or  accounts  placed  for  collection  or charged to profit and loss, which have been paid and  which antedate the report by more than five years;    (v) records of conviction of crime which, from  date  of  disposition,  release, or parole, antedate the report by more than seven years;    (vi)  information regarding drug or alcoholic addiction where the last  reported incident relating to  such  addiction  antedates  the  consumer  report or investigative consumer report by more than seven years;    (vii) information relating to past confinement in a mental institution  where  the  date  of  last confinement antedates the report by more than  seven years; or    (viii) any other adverse information which  antedates  the  report  by  more than seven years.    (2) The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to:    (i)  a  credit  transaction  involving,  or  which  may  reasonably be  expected to involve, a principal amount of  fifty  thousand  dollars  or  more;    (ii)  the  underwriting  of  life  insurance  involving,  or which may  reasonably be expected to involve,  a  face  amount  of  fifty  thousand  dollars or more; or    (iii)  the  employment  of  any  individual  at an annual salary which  equals, or  which  may  reasonably  be  expected  to  equal  twenty-five  thousand dollars, or more.    (g)  No  consumer reporting agency shall collect, evaluate, report, or  maintain in the file on a  consumer  any  results,  opinions,  analyses,  transcripts  or  information  of  any  nature concerning, related to, or  derived from a polygraph examination, an examination by  any  device  or  instrument  of  any  type  used  to test or question individuals for the  purpose of detecting deception,  verifying  truthfulness,  or  measuring  deceptive   tendencies,   or  the  questioning  or  interviewing  of  an  individual by the examiner prior to or after such an examination.