392-D - Using false marks as to manufacture.

§  392-d.  Using  false  marks  as  to manufacture. A person who, with  intent  to  defraud  or  to  enable  another  to  defraud  any   person,  manufactures  or  knowingly  sells or causes to be manufactured or sold,  any article, marked, stamped or branded or incased or  inclosed  in  any  box, bottle or wrapper, having thereupon any engraving or printed label,  stamp, imprint, mark or trade-mark which article is not the manufacture,  workmanship  or  production of the person named, indicated or denoted by  such marking, stamping or  branding,  or  by  or  upon  such  engraving,  printed  label,  stamp,  imprint,  mark  or  trade-mark,  is guilty of a  misdemeanor.