626 - Deceptive acts prohibited.

§  626.  Deceptive  acts  prohibited.  It  is hereby declared to be an  unfair and deceptive trade practice and unlawful for a seller to:    1. Misrepresent directly or indirectly in its advertising, promotional  materials, or in any manner the size, location, facilities or  equipment  of  its  studio, or place of business or the number or qualifications of  its personnel;    2. Use or refer to fictional organization divisions or position titles  or make any representation which has the tendency or capacity to mislead  or deceive consumers as to the size or importance of the  business,  its  divisions, or personnel, or in any other material respect;    3. Misrepresent directly or indirectly the size, importance, location,  facilities,  or  equipment  of  the business through use of photographs,  illustrations, or any other depictions in catalogs,  advertisements,  or  other promotional materials;    4.  Misrepresent  the location or locations at which its services will  be offered;    5. Misrepresent the nature of its courses, training  devices,  methods  or  equipment  or the number, qualifications, training, or experience of  its personnel, whether by means of endorsements or otherwise;    6. Misrepresent the  nature  and  extent  of  any  personal  services,  guidance,  assistance,  or other attention the business will provide for  consumers;    7. Designate or refer to his sales  representation  using  terms  that  misrepresent  in any other manner, the titles, qualifications, training,  experience or status  of  his  salesmen,  agents,  employees,  or  other  representatives; and    8.  Misrepresent  in  any  manner  by  the  seller or his assignee the  buyer's right to cancel under this article.