18-C - (Enacted without section heading).

§ 18-c. The common council in all cities of the third class shall have  the  power, upon application, in writing, of the property owners, owning  at least two-thirds of the number of feet fronting or abutting upon  the  street   and  along  the  line  of  any  proposed  improvement  for  the  construction of an improved system of street lighting, to establish such  special lighting district or districts for the proposed system of street  lighting, and from time to time may alter or extend the same, with  full  power  to  order  such construction and installation and to enter into a  contract for lighting in such district or districts  so  established  or  extended as they may deem proper or expedient.    The  amount  of  any  such  contract that may be entered into for such  special lighting, pursuant to the  provisions  of  this  act,  shall  be  assessed,  levied and collected upon and between the taxable property in  said city and the district or districts respectively, in the same manner  and by the same officers as city taxes, charges  or  expenses  for  said  city are now assessed, levied and collected.    The  common  council  shall, by ordinance, apportion the expenses that  shall be borne by the property fronting or abutting upon the street  and  along the line of the proposed system or systems, and the city at large;  but  in no event shall the property fronting or abutting upon the street  or streets along the line of the proposed system or systems  be  charged  less  than  fifty per centum for such charges or expenses, nor more than  the per centum specified  in  the  application  and  agreed  to  by  the  property owners.