699-B - Long Island workforce housing program.

§  699-b.  Long  Island  workforce  housing  program.  1. When a local  government approves a subdivision plat or site plan  for  five  or  more  residential  units  or a mixed-use development that incorporates five or  more residential units, except as otherwise provided in subdivision  two  of  this  section,  the applicant shall receive a density bonus or other  incentive pursuant to a written agreement between the applicant and  the  local  government  and  such  local  government  shall  require  of  the  applicant:    (a) the set aside of at least ten percent of such units for affordable  workforce housing on site; or    (b) the provision of other land and the construction of  the  required  affordable  workforce housing units that are not part of the applicant's  current subdivision plat or site plan but are to be provided on  another  site within the same local government; or    (c)  the  payment  of a fee equal to two times the median income for a  family of four for the Nassau-Suffolk primary  metropolitan  statistical  area  as  defined  by  the  federal  Department  of  Housing  and  Urban  Development, for each additional  unit  which  results,  or  would  have  resulted, from the density bonus or, when such fee exceeds the appraised  value of each lot resulting from such density bonus, then such fee shall  be  equal  to  the appraised value of the lot or lots, or the equivalent  thereof, for each additional unit created by the density bonus. All fees  collected by the local government as provided in this section shall,  at  the sole discretion of the local government, be:    (i)  deposited  in  a single trust fund under the control of the local  government to be kept in trust and separate and  apart  from  all  other  monies   of   such   local  government,  for  the  specific  purpose  of  constructing  affordable  workforce  housing,  acquiring  land  for  the  purpose  of  providing  affordable  workforce  housing or rehabilitating  structures for the purpose of providing  affordable  workforce  housing.  Pending  expenditures  from  such  trust  fund,  monies  therein  may be  invested in the manner provided by law. Any interest earned  or  capital  gain realized on the monies so deposited shall accrue to and become part  of such trust fund; or    (ii)  paid  to another local government within the county within which  the local government paying such  monies  is  located,  pursuant  to  an  intermunicipal  agreement,  to  be  kept in trust and separate and apart  from all other monies of such other local government, for  the  specific  purpose of constructing affordable workforce housing, acquiring land for  the  purpose of providing affordable workforce housing or rehabilitating  structures for the purpose of  providing  affordable  workforce  housing  within such other local government. Pending expenditures from such trust  fund,  monies therein may be invested in the manner provided by law. Any  interest earned or capital gain realized  on  the  monies  so  deposited  shall accrue to and become part of such trust fund; or    (iii)  paid  into  a  single  trust fund under the control of the Long  Island Housing Partnership to be kept in trust and  separate  and  apart  from  all other monies of such partnership, fifty percent of which shall  be used for the specific purpose of  constructing  affordable  workforce  housing,   acquiring  land  for  the  purpose  of  providing  affordable  workforce housing  or  rehabilitating  structures  for  the  purpose  of  providing  affordable  workforce  housing within the county within which  the local government paying such monies is located. The remaining  fifty  percent of such funds shall be used to provide downpayment assistance to  eligible  homebuyers  who  qualify  for the existing employer assistance  housing  benefit  program  administered   by   such   partnership.   The  downpayment  assistance funds shall be secured by a note and mortgage on  the property purchased with such funds and shall be fully repaid to  thefund by the recipient upon the sale or refinancing of the aforementioned  property.    2.  The  provisions  of this article shall not apply when an applicant  elects a  lesser  percentage  than  the  maximum  allowable  residential  density,  or  floor area ratio if part of a mixed-use development, under  the applicable zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan in effect  as  of  the date of the application by the applicant to the local government.    3.  Local  governments  shall ensure that all affordable housing units  created  pursuant  to  this  article   remain   affordable.   Subsequent  purchasers of such units shall have at the time of purchase, pursuant to  the  definition of "affordable workforce housing", an income at or below  one hundred thirty percent of the median income for  the  Nassau-Suffolk  primary statistical area as defined by the federal Department of Housing  and Urban Development.    4. Within six months of the establishment of a trust fund as set forth  in  subparagraphs  (i)  and  (ii) of paragraph (c) of subdivision one of  this section, the local government shall issue guidelines  and  policies  which shall govern the expenditure of trust fund monies. Any monies that  are  not  expended  by the local government three years from the date of  such monies being collected shall be paid into a single trust fund under  the control of the Long Island Housing  Partnership,  as  set  forth  in  subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (c) of subdivision one of this section.    5.  A  local  government may enter into intermunicipal agreements with  any local government within the same county to meet the purposes of this  article.