768 - Debts, liabilities and obligations.

§  768.  Debts,  liabilities  and obligations. 1. All valid and lawful  debts and liabilities existing against a consolidated  local  government  entity, or which may thereafter arise or accrue against the consolidated  local  government entity, which but for consolidation would be valid and  lawful debts or liabilities against one or more of the  component  local  government  entities, shall be deemed and taken to be like debts against  or liabilities of the consolidated local  government  entity  and  shall  accordingly be defrayed and answered to by it to the same extent, and no  further  than,  the  component local government entities would have been  bound if no consolidation had taken place.    2. The rights of creditors and all liens upon the property of  any  of  the  component  local  government  entities  of a consolidation shall be  preserved unimpaired. The respective component entities shall be  deemed  to  continue  in  existence  to  preserve such rights and liens, and all  debts, liabilities and duties of any of  the  component  entities  shall  thenceforth  attach  to  the consolidated local government entity and be  enforced against it to the same extent as if such debts, liabilities and  duties had  been  incurred  or  contracted  by  the  consolidated  local  government entity.    3.  All  bonds,  contracts  and  obligations of the component entities  which exist as legal obligations shall be deemed like obligations of the  consolidated local government entity, and all such  obligations  as  are  authorized  or  required to be issued or entered into shall be issued or  entered into by and in the name of  the  consolidated  local  government  entity.