959 - Responsibilities of the commissioner.

§  959.  Responsibilities of the commissioner. The commissioner shall:  (a) After consultation with the director of the budget, the commissioner  of labor, and the  commissioner  of  taxation  and  finance,  promulgate  regulations,  which,  notwithstanding  any provisions to the contrary in  the state administrative procedure act, may be adopted on  an  emergency  basis,   governing   (i)   criteria   of  eligibility  for  empire  zone  designation, provided, however, that such criteria be  approved  by  the  director  of  the  budget;  (ii)  the  application  process;  (iii)  the  certification by the commissioner as  to  the  eligibility  of  business  enterprises  for  benefits referred to in section nine hundred sixty-six  of this article, which shall be governed by criteria including, but  not  limited  to:  (1)  whether  the  business  enterprise,  if certified, is  reasonably likely  to  create  new  employment  or  prevent  a  loss  of  employment  in  the  zone, (2) whether such new employment opportunities  will be for individuals who will perform a  substantial  part  of  their  employment  activities  in the zone, (3) whether certification will have  the undesired effect of causing individuals to  transfer  from  existing  employment  with  another business enterprise to similar employment with  the  business  enterprise  so  certified,  and   transferring   existing  employment  from  one or more other municipalities, towns or villages in  the state, or transferring existing employment from one  or  more  other  businesses in the zone, (4) whether such enterprise is likely to enhance  the  economic climate of the zone, (5) whether the commissioner of labor  establishes that  such  business  enterprise,  during  the  three  years  preceding  the  submission  of  an  application  for  certification, has  engaged in a substantial violation or a pattern of  violations  of  laws  regulating  unemployment  insurance,  workers compensation, public work,  child labor, employment of minorities and women, safety and  health,  or  other laws for the protection of workers as determined by final judgment  of  a  judicial  or administrative proceeding; (6) whether such business  meets the requirements of the cost benefit analysis  as  established  in  paragraph  (p)  of section nine hundred fifty-seven of this article, and  (7)  if  the  commissioner  of  labor  establishes  that  the   business  enterprise  has been found in a criminal proceeding to have violated, in  the previous three years, any of the laws referred  to  in  subparagraph  five of this paragraph or regulations promulgated pursuant to such laws,  the  conditions  of  any  permit  issued thereunder, or similar statute,  regulation, order or permit condition of any  other  government  agency,  foreign  or  domestic,  such  business shall not be certified; provided,  however, that a business enterprise that has shifted its operations,  or  some portions thereof, from an area within New York state not designated  as an empire zone or zone equivalent area to an area so designated shall  not  be  certified  to  receive such benefits except where such shift is  entirely within a municipality  and  has  been  approved  by  the  local  governing  body  of such municipality or in situations where it has been  established, after a public hearing,  that  extraordinary  circumstances  exist which warrant the relocation of a business, in whole or part, into  an  empire  zone or a zone equivalent area from another municipality and  the municipality from which the business is relocating approves of  such  relocation;  or  where  such  shift  in  operations  is  from a business  incubator facility operated by a municipality or by a public or  private  not-for-profit entity which provides space and business support services  to  newly  established  firms;  and  (iv)  the  decertification  by  the  commissioner, upon the recommendation of the commissioner of  labor,  so  as  to  revoke  the  certification  of business enterprises for benefits  referred to in section nine  hundred  sixty-six  of  this  article  with  respect  to  an  empire zone or zone equivalent area upon a finding that  the business enterprise has committed substantial violations of laws forthe protection of workers including all federal, state and  local  labor  laws,   rules  or  regulations;  and  (v)  the  decertification  by  the  commissioner so as to revoke the certification of  business  enterprises  for  benefits  referred  to  in  section  nine hundred sixty-six of this  article with respect to an empire zone or zone equivalent  area  upon  a  finding  of  any  one of the following: (1) the business enterprise made  material misrepresentations of fact on its application for certification  or in any of its business annual reports,  or  the  business  enterprise  failed to disclose facts in its application for certification that would  constitute  grounds  for  not  issuing a certification; (2) the business  enterprise has failed to construct, expand, rehabilitate or  operate  or  invest   in   its   facility   substantially   in  accordance  with  the  representations contained in its application for certification; (3)  the  business  enterprise  has  failed  to create new employment or prevent a  loss of employment in the empire zone or zone equivalent area; (4) where  applicable, the business enterprise  has  failed  to  submit  an  annual  report  after it has applied for zone tax benefits or program assistance  based on new hires or investments or failed to submit other  information  when  due;  (5)  the business enterprise, if first certified pursuant to  this article prior to the first day of August, two thousand two,  caused  individuals  to  transfer from existing employment with another business  enterprise with similar ownership and  located  in  New  York  state  to  similar  employment  with  the  certified  business enterprise or if the  enterprise acquired, purchased, leased, or had transferred  to  it  real  property   previously   owned  by  an  entity  with  similar  ownership,  regardless of form of incorporation or organization;  (6)  the  business  enterprise  has  failed  to provide economic returns to the state in the  form of total remuneration to its employees (i.e.  wages  and  benefits)  and investments in its facility greater in value to the tax benefits the  business  enterprise  used  and  had refunded to it; or (7) the business  enterprise has changed ownership or moved  its  operations  out  of  the  empire  zone;  said regulations shall provide that whenever any business  enterprise is decertified with respect to an empire zone: (A)  the  date  determined  to  be  the earliest event constituting grounds for revoking  certification shall be the effective date of  decertification;  (B)  its  certified  single  enterprise,  if any, may also be decertified; and (C)  the commissioner shall notify the commissioner of taxation  and  finance  that  such  decertification  has  occurred, and such notification should  include the effective date of such decertification and the zone or  zone  equivalent  area  to which such decertification applies; with respect to  any business enterprise whose certification has been revoked pursuant to  subparagraph five or six of this paragraph, that revocation (I) will  be  effective  for  a  taxable year beginning on or after January first, two  thousand eight and before January  first,  two  thousand  nine  and  for  subsequent taxable years, unless the business enterprise is subsequently  re-certified pursuant to part 11 of title 5 of the New York state codes,  rules  and  regulations  for a business enterprise for which a review is  required to be conducted pursuant to subdivision (w) of this section  in  calendar  year  two thousand nine, and (II) thereafter will be effective  for the taxable year during which the  commissioner  makes  his  or  her  determination  (prior  to  any  appeal) to revoke the certification of a  business enterprise and for subsequent taxable years;    (b) Receive and review applications for designation of areas as empire  zones;    (c) Analyze and make recommendations to the empire  zones  designation  board  for designation of areas as empire zones, provided, however, that  all  such  areas  recommended  by  the  commissioner  shall   meet   the  requirements of this article;(d)  Review  new  applications  to  replace  any previously designated  empire zone the designation of which has been  terminated  or  withdrawn  and file notice of the designation or redesignation of an empire zone or  of  the  revision or termination of such designation with the applicant,  the department of taxation and finance, the secretary of state, with the  county,  city,  town  or  village  clerk  of each county, city, town, or  village, respectively, in which the empire zone  is  located,  with  the  school district governing body in which the empire zone is located, with  the state board of real property services and with other state and local  entities;  provided,  however,  that  such notice shall specify the date  such action was taken and shall  contain  a  description  sufficient  to  identify  the  empire zone, including the names of the abutting streets,  roads,  highways,  bodies  of  water,  or  other  identifying   physical  features;    (e)  Request,  and shall receive from any department, division, board,  bureau, commission,  agency  or  public  authority  of  the  state  such  assistance  as  may  be  necessary  to  establish  a  procedure  whereby  applications   submitted   by   business    entities,    community-based  organizations,  not-for-profit  organizations,  human  service agencies,  labor unions and  municipal  agencies  located  within  an  empire  zone  requesting  financial  and  other assistance provided by state programs,  including, but not  limited  to,  capital  development,  human  resource  development,  business assistance, job training and job placement shall,  consistent  with  federal  law,  be  given  priority  over  applications  submitted by entities not located in empire zones;    (f)  Establish  a  priority  for  the allocation of authority to issue  private activity bonds for the benefit of  municipalities  and  business  enterprises located or to be located within empire zones;    (g)  Coordinate,  with  the local empire zone administrative board and  state agencies and authorities, the provision  of  business  development  programs  and  services  for  each empire zone in order to stimulate the  creation and development of new small businesses,  including  new  small  minority-owned and women-owned business enterprises, and may request and  shall  receive from any department, division, board, bureau, commission,  agency or public authority of  the  state  such  assistance  as  may  be  necessary;    (h)  Coordinate  with the comptroller and the commissioner of taxation  and  finance  a  linked  deposit  program.  The  comptroller   and   the  commissioner of taxation and finance are hereby authorized and empowered  to  enter  into  agreements  with  financial  institutions located in or  serving  the  empire  zones,  to  provide  for  the  deposit  of   funds  administered  jointly  by them in such institutions, at reduced rates of  return to the state, in return for commitments by such  institutions  to  businesses  of  loans  of comparable amounts, at reduced interest rates,  for business development projects in  the  zones  that  will  create  or  preserve jobs;    (i)  Assist each local empire zone board in preparing a small business  assistance plan as required by section nine hundred sixty-three of  this  article  and  coordinate with the local empire zone administrative board  and state agencies and authorities the  development  of  small  business  procurement,  export  and  marketing  programs for businesses within the  empire zones;    (j) Promulgate regulations, in consultation with the  commissioner  of  labor,  for  program  evaluation  and  coordinate  implementation  of an  evaluation system, which is capable of compiling and analyzing  accurate  and  consistent  information  necessary  for  an  assessment  of whether  statutory objectives and criteria are being met;(k) Review performance objectives and progress in  meeting  objectives  with  zone boards and zone administrative entities as part of the annual  administrative contract process;    (l)  Assist zone boards and zone administrative entities to effect and  implement job training  and  social  services  agreements  and  programs  provided  for  in  paragraphs  (v), (vi) and (vii) of subdivision (a) of  section nine hundred sixty-three of this article and request and receive  from any agency or authority of the state  such  assistance  as  may  be  necessary  to  improve  the  delivery and coordination of human resource  development programs to the zones;    (m) Assist zones in  increasing  their  child  care  capacity  and  in  planning  special  care activities, including the provision of technical  assistance by the department in planning for the provision of child care  services in the zones;    (n) Coordinate with the  department  of  labor,  the  state  education  department,  the  job  training  partnership council and agencies of the  state the inclusion in  annual  and  biennial  plans  of  such  entities  strategies  for  increasing  and  improving  human  resource development  services on a priority basis,  consistent  with  federal  statutory  and  regulatory requirements, to residents of the zones and employees of zone  businesses,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  the governor's plan for  coordination and  special  services  of  the  job  training  partnership  council, the jobs plan and Wagner-Peyser annual plan for services of the  department  of  labor,  and the career education state plan of the state  education department;    (o) Arrange with the job training partnership council the provision of  the workforce investment act funds for use within  the  zones  with  the  cooperation  of  the  service  delivery areas in the governor's plan for  coordination and special services;    (p) Subject to the availability of funds, arrange for  the  allocation  and reservation of funds from the infrastructure improvement programs of  state  agencies  and  authorities  to  assist  the  zones to make public  improvements necessary for community, commercial, industrial and tourism  development projects in support of zone revitalization;    (q) Systematically enlist other  state  agencies  and  authorities  to  participate in zone programs and projects and in cooperative planning of  interagency zone activities in support of zone revitalization efforts;    (r)  Recommend for economic development loan and grant programs of the  department of economic development, urban development  corporation,  job  development  authority,  and  science  and technology foundation special  terms and conditions for viable zone projects and programs;    (s) Award preference to be given to applications submitted  by  or  on  behalf  of  zones  for entrepreneurial assistance programs under article  nine of  the  omnibus  economic  development  act  of  nineteen  hundred  eighty-seven  to support the creation of new entrepreneurial development  and entrepreneurial support centers;    (t) Coordinate with the urban development corporation the creation  of  a  special category of assistance for zones within the regional economic  development partnership program,  which  will  make  available  economic  development   assistance   grants  for  zone  programs  and  activities,  including, but not limited to, planning, service coordination, and local  institutional capacity building for human resource development necessary  for economic revitalization; planning and development of small  business  incubators; job placement and preparedness programs for zones residents;  education and training programs for zone businesses; child care programs  and  projects  supportive  of business development; technical assistance  for minority and women-owned business  development;  training  for  zone  officials;  business and tourism development and marketing programs; andother innovative programs and activities  in  support  of  economic  and  community development within the zones;    (u)  Assist  in  the  development  of a plan, in coordination with the  health  and  insurance  departments,  to  assist  zones   in   obtaining  affordable  employee  health  insurance  for  small business enterprises  located within the zone;    (v) Approve applications for qualification of a business enterprise as  the owner of a qualified  investment  project  or  as  the  owner  of  a  significant  capital  investment project, as defined in subdivisions (s)  and (t), respectively, of  section  nine  hundred  fifty-seven  of  this  article.   As   a  condition  for  approval  of  such  application,  the  commissioner  is  authorized  to  specify  certain  requirements  to  be  satisfied  as  a  condition  for  approval  of  such  application as the  commissioner deems necessary to ensure that  the  project  will  make  a  substantial  contribution  to the economic development of this state. An  application for qualification of a business enterprise as the owner of a  qualified investment must be submitted  by  December  thirty-first,  two  thousand  nine.  An  application  for qualification of a business as the  owner  of  a  significant  capital  investment  project  as  defined  in  subdivision  (t)  of  section  nine hundred fifty-seven of this article,  which application is submitted by an entity previously qualified by  the  commissioner as the owner of a qualified investment project or an entity  which  is  a  related  person,  as  that  term  is  defined  in  section  465(b)(3)(c) of the internal  revenue  code,  to  an  entity  previously  qualified  by  the  commissioner  as the owner of a qualified investment  project, must be submitted by June thirtieth, two  thousand  eleven.  No  applications submitted after these dates may be approved; and    (w)  Conduct  a  review  during calendar year two thousand nine of all  business enterprises  to  determine  whether  the  business  enterprises  should  be  decertified  pursuant  to  subparagraphs  five  and  six  of  paragraph (v) of subdivision (a) of this  section  and  the  regulations  promulgated  under  this  article.  After  such review, the commissioner  shall issue an empire zone retention certificate to each firm  that  the  commissioner   determines   is  not  subject  to  decertification  under  subparagraphs five and six of paragraph (v) of subdivision (a)  of  this  section.   The  decertification  referred  to  in  subparagraph  six  of  paragraph (v) of subdivision (a) of this section shall be based upon  an  analysis  of  data  contained  in at least three business annual reports  filed by the business enterprise. If any business enterprise  fails  the  analysis  described  in  the  immediately  preceding sentence, or if the  commissioner  makes  the  finding  described  in  subparagraph  five  of  paragraph (v) of subdivision (a) of this section, the commissioner shall  revoke  the  certification  of  such  business  enterprise  pursuant  to  paragraph (v) of subdivision  (a)  of  this  section  and  as  specified  herein;   provided,   however,  the  commissioner  may  consider,  after  consultation with the director of the budget, and in  his  or  her  sole  discretion,  other  economic,  social  and  environmental  factors  when  evaluating the costs and benefits of a project to the state and  whether  continued   certification  is  warranted  based  on  such  factors.  The  commissioner  shall  provide  written  notification  to  such   business  enterprise  of  his  or  her  determination to revoke the certification,  including the reasons therefor. Such notification shall state  that  the  business  enterprise  may  appeal the determination by sending a written  notice to the empire zone designation board of such appeal no later than  fifteen business days from the date  of  the  commissioner's  revocation  notification.   Provided   that  the  business  enterprise  appeals  the  commissioner's  determination  within  fifteen  business  days  of   the  commissioner's  revocation  notification,  the  business  enterprise maypresent a written submission to the empire  zone  designation  board  no  later  than  sixty days following the date the commissioner's revocation  notification was sent to the  business  enterprise  explaining  why  its  certification  should  be  continued.  The empire zone designation board  shall consider the explanation provided by the business enterprise,  but  shall only reverse the determination to revoke the business enterprise's  certification  if  the  empire  zone designation board unanimously finds  that there was sufficient evidence presented by the business  enterprise  demonstrating   that   the   commissioner's  finding,  with  respect  to  subparagraph six of paragraph (v) of subdivision (a)  of  this  section,  was  in  error,  or that, with respect to subparagraph five of paragraph  (v) of subdivision (a) of this section, any extraordinary  circumstances  occurred which would justify the continued certification of the business  enterprise.