970-E - Project area.

§  970-e. Project area. Based on the results of a survey area study or  studies a legislative body may by resolution select one or more  project  areas  for  redevelopment  pursuant  to this article and provide for the  preparation of preliminary plans for such redevelopment  projects.  Such  preliminary plans shall include:    (a) A description of the boundaries of the project area.    (b)  A general statement of the land uses, layout of principal streets  and population densities and standards proposed as  the  basis  for  the  redevelopment of the project area.    (c)  A statement of how the purposes of this article would be achieved  by such redevelopment.    (d) A description  of  how  the  preliminary  plan  for  redevelopment  conforms  to  the  master  plan  of  the municipality should such a plan  exist.    (e) A general statement of the impact of the  project  upon  residents  thereof and upon the surrounding neighborhood.    (f)  A statement of why redevelopment of the project area would not be  undertaken were it not for the purposes and provisions of this article.    (g) To the extent required  by  article  eight  of  the  environmental  conservation   law,   an  environmental  impact  statement  prepared  in  accordance with section 8-0109 of such article.    The legislative body  shall  also  provide  for  the  review  of  such  preliminary  plans  by  the  planning  agency  and  any  other agency or  department of the municipality with responsibility for  zoning  or  land  use  planning.   Nothing in this article shall be construed to supersede  the requirements and procedures for the zoning and use of  land  as  may  otherwise be prescribed by law.