805-A - Certain action prohibited.

§  805-a.  Certain  action  prohibited.  1.  No  municipal  officer or  employee shall: a. directly or indirectly, solicit any gift,  or  accept  or  receive  any  gift  having  a value of seventy-five dollars or more,  whether in the form of  money,  service,  loan,  travel,  entertainment,  hospitality, thing or promise, or in any other form, under circumstances  in  which  it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to  influence him, or could reasonably be expected to influence him, in  the  performance  of  his official duties or was intended as a reward for any  official action on his part;    b. disclose confidential information acquired by him in the course  of  his  official  duties  or  use  such information to further his personal  interests;    c. receive, or enter into  any  agreement,  express  or  implied,  for  compensation  for  services  to  be  rendered  in relation to any matter  before any municipal agency  of  which  he  is  an  officer,  member  or  employee or of any municipal agency over which he has jurisdiction or to  which he has the power to appoint any member, officer or employee; or    d.  receive,  or  enter  into  any  agreement, express or implied, for  compensation for services to be  rendered  in  relation  to  any  matter  before any agency of his municipality, whereby his compensation is to be  dependent  or  contingent upon any action by such agency with respect to  such matter, provided that this paragraph shall not prohibit the  fixing  at  any  time  of  fees  based upon the reasonable value of the services  rendered.    2. In addition to any penalty contained in any other provision of law,  any person who shall knowingly and intentionally  violate  this  section  may  be  fined,  suspended  or  removed from office or employment in the  manner provided by law.