72-K*2 - Notification of change in use of property used for recreational purposes.

* 72-k.   Notification   of   change  in  use  of  property  used  for  recreational purposes.    1. Whenever an owner of real property used for  recreational  purposes  desires  to  change  the  use of such property he shall notify the chief  executive officer of each municipal corporation in which the property is  situated of his intention to so change the use. Such notification  shall  be  made  by  certified  or registered mail and may be given at any time  before the change in use becomes effective. The  notice  shall  indicate  the  location  of the property, the use to which it is presently devoted  and the proposed new use.    2. Failure to give notice pursuant to the provisions of  this  section  shall  not  constitute a cloud on the title nor affect in any manner the  title to the real property involved.    3. As used in this section the term:    (a) "Real property used for recreational purposes" shall  include  but  not  be  limited  to  the utilization of real property for parks, picnic  areas,  swimming  facilities,  golf  courses  and  other  such   similar  facilities available to the general public.    (b) "Chief executive officer" shall mean:    (1)  In  the  case of a county, the county executive or manager, or if  there is none, the chairman of the board of supervisors.    (2) In the case of cities, the mayor, except in those cities having  a  city manager, it shall mean such city manager.    (3) In the case of towns, the supervisor.    (4)  In  the  case  of  villages,  the mayor, except in those villages  having a president or manager, it shall mean such latter officer.    (c) "Change the use" shall mean the use of recreational property or  a  portion   thereof   for   non-recreational  purposes  or  the  permanent  discontinuance of such property or a portion  thereof  for  recreational  purposes.    * NB There are 2 § 72-k's