120-E - By whom proposed district represented.

§ 120-e. By whom proposed district represented. Until a sewer district  of a town is organized as provided by the town law, the supervisor, or a  member  of  the  town  board appointed by the supervisor, of the town in  which the proposed sewer district is located, may act for and on  behalf  of  the  people  of  the  territory  proposed  to be embraced in a sewer  district, when requested so to do by a petition in writing signed by not  less than five per centum of the voters of such  proposed  district,  at  such  joint  meeting of municipalities and districts; provided, however,  that except as otherwise provided by the local finance law, neither  the  town  nor  any  property within the town, except such property as may be  within such proposed district, shall be  chargeable  with  any  debt  or  expenses created by such municipalities or districts acting jointly.