124 - Inspection of building elevators in Nassau county.

§  124.  Inspection  of  building  elevators in Nassau county. 1.  All  elevators in buildings in Nassau county shall be inspected  periodically  for  the  purposes  of  public  safety.  Except as otherwise provided in  subdivision three hereof, each city, town or village shall  inspect,  or  cause  to  be  inspected,  those  elevators  in  buildings  under  their  jurisdiction in conformance with the local building code of  such  city,  town  or  village,  if  there be one, and only if the provisions of such  code are at least as stringent as the minimum standards set forth in the  New York state building code with respect to the installation, operation  and maintenance of building elevators. Any  city,  town  or  village  in  Nassau  county  which  does not have a local building code or regulation  with respect to the installation, operation and maintenance of  building  elevators  or  has  a  building  code  or regulation with respect to the  installation, operation and maintenance of building elevators which  are  less  stringent  than  the  minimum  standards set forth in the New York  state building code with respect  to  the  installation,  operation  and  maintenance  of building elevators shall within one year next succeeding  the effective date of this section, adopt a local law  providing  for  a  building  code  or  a regulation relating to the installation, operation  and maintenance of building elevators or amend any existing provision of  a  building  code  or  regulation  with  respect  to  the  installation,  operation and maintenance of building elevators so as to assure that the  provisions  of  such  building  code or regulation as adopted or amended  with respect to the installation, operation and maintenance of  building  elevators  shall  be  at least as stringent as the minimum standards set  forth  in  the  New  York  state  building  code  with  respect  to  the  installation,  operation and maintenance of building elevators provided,  however, that any village within a town within such county  may  consent  by  adoption  of  a  resolution  of  its  governing  body, to permit the  installation, operation and maintenance  of  building  elevators  within  such village to be subject to the provisions of a local building code or  regulation  of such town with respect to the installation, operation and  maintenance of building elevators within such town and the  adoption  of  such  resolution  shall  exempt such village from adopting or amending a  building code or regulation with respect to the installation,  operation  and maintenance of building elevators within such village.    2.  It  shall  be  a further duty of such cities, towns or villages in  Nassau county to require by local law or ordinance in the same manner as  provided for in subdivision one of this section that mirrors  be  placed  in the rear of elevators subject to inspection in subdivision one hereof  so  as  to  make  the  interior  thereof  visible prior to entering such  elevators.    3. Each town within Nassau county shall, upon the request of a village  located  within  such  town,  perform  or  cause  to  be  performed  the  inspection required by subdivision one hereof, provided however, that no  village  may  make  such  request  unless  the  village  has  adopted  a  resolution  of  their  governing  body   consenting   to   subject   the  installation,  operation  and  maintenance  of building elevators within  such village to the provisions of the local building code or  regulation  of the town relating thereto.    4.  Any  person  who  knowingly and wilfully violates any provision of  this section or who violates or  fails  to  comply  with  any  order  or  requirement  of  an  inspector or other officer charged with the duty of  inspecting elevators, shall be guilty of a  violation  punishable  by  a  fine  of  not  more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not  more than fifteen days.