189-C - Legal shipments of gaming devices into New York state.

§  189-c.  Legal  shipments of gaming devices into New York state. All  shipments into this state of gaming devices, excluding slot machines and  coin operated gambling devices, as defined  in  subdivision  seven-a  of  section 225.00 of the penal law, the registering, recording and labeling  of  which  has  been  duly  had by the manufacturer or dealer thereof in  accordance with sections three and four of an Act  of  Congress  of  the  United  States  entitled  "An act to prohibit transportation of gambling  devices in interstate and foreign commerce,"  approved  January  second,  nineteen  hundred fifty-one, being chapter 1194, 64 Stat. 1134, and also  designated as 15 U.S.C. (1171-1177), shall  be  deemed  legal  shipments  thereof into this state.