11-101 - Compensation for injury caused by the illegal sale of intoxicating liquor.

§ 11-101. Compensation  for  injury  caused  by  the  illegal  sale of  intoxicating liquor. 1. Any person  who  shall  be  injured  in  person,  property,  means  of support, or otherwise by any intoxicated person, or  by reason of the intoxication of any person, whether  resulting  in  his  death or not, shall have a right of action against any person who shall,  by  unlawful  selling to or unlawfully assisting in procuring liquor for  such  intoxicated  person,  have   caused   or   contributed   to   such  intoxication;  and  in any such action such person shall have a right to  recover actual and exemplary damages.    2. In case of the death of either party, the action or right of action  given by this section shall survive to or against his or her executor or  administrator, and the amount so recovered by either a husband, wife  or  child shall be his or her sole and separate property.    3. Such action may be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction.    4. In any case where parents shall be entitled to such damages, either  the father or mother may sue alone therefor, but recovery by one of such  parties shall be a bar to suit brought by the other.