17-105 - Promises and waivers affecting the time limited for action to foreclose a mortgage.

§ 17-105. Promises  and  waivers affecting the time limited for action  to foreclose a mortgage. 1. A waiver  of  the  expiration  of  the  time  limited  for  commencement  of an action to foreclose a mortgage of real  property or a mortgage of a lease of real property, or a waiver  of  the  time  that  has expired, or a promise not to plead the expiration of the  time limited, or not to plead the time that has expired, or a promise to  pay the mortgage debt, if made after the accrual of a right of action to  foreclose the mortgage and made, either with or  without  consideration,  by  the  express terms of a writing signed by the party to be charged is  effective, subject to any conditions expressed in the writing,  to  make  the time limited for commencement of the action run from the date of the  waiver  or  promise. If the waiver or promise specifies a shorter period  of limitation than that otherwise applicable, the time limited shall  be  the period specified.    2. a. A statement by a grantee of real property or assignee of a lease  of  real  property,  effective under section 5-705 of this chapter as an  assumption of or agreement to pay an indebtedness or other  sum  secured  by  a  mortgage of such property or lease has also, to the extent of the  amount specified therein, the same effect as provided  in  this  section  with respect to a waiver or promise described in subdivision one, unless  it  contains  language disclaiming an intention to affect the statute of  limitation.    b. A recital, in an instrument in which real property is conveyed or a  lease is assigned, that the conveyance or assignment is made subject  to  a  mortgage,  or  provision to that effect in a contract for purchase of  real property or purchase of a lease, or an agreement or  instrument  by  which  another  encumbrance or interest is subordinated to the lien of a  mortgage, does not have the effect provided in this section with respect  to a waiver or promise described in subdivision one.    3. A waiver or promise made as provided in this section is effective    a. against (1) the person who made it, to the extent of  any  interest  held  by  him  at  the  date  thereof  and  (2)  any person subsequently  acquiring from him any such  interest,  without  giving  value  or  with  actual  notice  of the making of the waiver or promise, to the extent of  the interest so acquired; and    b. in favor of (1) the mortgagee or his assignee, (2) any other person  to whom or for whose benefit it is expressed to be  made,  and  (3)  any  person  who,  after  the making of the waiver or promise, succeeds or is  subrogated to the  interest  of  either  of  them  in  the  mortgage  or  otherwise acquires an interest in the enforcement of the mortgage.    4.  Except  as provided in subdivision five, no acknowledgment, waiver  or promise has any effect to extend the time limited for commencement of  an action to foreclose or mortgage for any greater time or in any  other  manner  than  that  provided  in  this section, nor unless it is made as  provided in this section.    5. This section does not change the requirements, or the  effect  with  respect to the time limited for commencement of an action, of    a.  a  payment or part payment of the principal or interest secured by  the mortgage, or    b. a stipulation made in an action or proceeding.    6. The term "real property" as used in this section is co-extensive in  meaning with lands, tenements and hereditaments.