5-523 - Interest permitted on advances on collateral security.

§ 5-523. Interest  permitted  on  advances on collateral security.  In  any case in which advances of money, repayable on demand, to  an  amount  not  less  than  five thousand dollars, are made upon documents of title  within article seven  of  the  uniform  commercial  code  or  negotiable  instruments  within  article  three  or  article  eight  of  the uniform  commercial code pledged as collateral security for  such  repayment,  it  shall  be  lawful  to  receive or to contract to receive and collect, as  compensation for making such advances, any sum  to  be  agreed  upon  in  writing,  by  the parties to such transaction, provided that there shall  not be received or contracted to  be  received  and  collected  on  such  advances any amount which would be in violation of section 190.40 of the  penal law.