349-B - Declaration of policy.

§ 349-b. Declaration of policy. The modernization and the construction  of  arterial  highways which are to pass through cities, will contribute  greatly to post-war reemployment and to the  stimulation  of  industrial  recovery.  The  resources and the technical skills that are available to  the state for these purposes, should be used  for  the  benefit  of  the  cities  upon  the  principle  that  the  construction  of  such arterial  highways is a matter of state  concern.  However,  it  is  the  manifest  intention of the state to recognize and to preserve the powers or rights  heretofore  conferred  upon  or  delegated  to  any city to regulate the  property, affairs or government thereof, in the  modernization  and  the  construction of such arterial highways. The integration of such arterial  highways   in   the  system  of  state  highways  throughout  the  state  contemplates an expenditure of public funds to pay the  costs  that  are  attendant upon the fulfillment of a program of the work of modernization  and  construction  as herein mentioned, as well as of the maintenance of  such public ways. It is hereby declared to be the purpose of this act to  initiate the procedure that  is  prerequisite  to  any  project  of  the  magnitude  herein  provided,  to  the  end  that  orderly  progress  and  equitable distribution of effort and  moneys  may  be  observed  in  the  administration  of  this article, and, from time to time, when expressly  authorized by the legislature, any section of such arterial highways may  be constituted, constructed, reconstructed, improved and maintained as a  part of the state highway system.