349-CC - New York state scenic byways advisory board.

§  349-cc. New York state scenic byways advisory board. 1. An advisory  board of state agencies with responsibilities related to the designation  and management of scenic byways and not-for-profit organizations related  to the promotion and development of scenic byways is  hereby  formed  to  advise  and  assist the department in the operation of its scenic byways  program. The advisory board shall consist of one member appointed by the  temporary president of the senate, one member appointed by  the  speaker  of  the  assembly,  the secretary of state, and the commissioners of the  department of  agriculture  and  markets,  the  department  of  economic  development,  and  the department of environmental conservation, and the  office of parks, recreation and  historic  preservation  or  their  duly  designated representatives. The commissioner shall appoint as members of  the  advisory  board  the  chief  executive  officer, or his or her duly  authorized representative, of not-for-profit  organizations  related  to  the  promotion  and development of a scenic byway designated pursuant to  this article, three representatives of organizations concerned with  the  preservation  of  scenic  qualities,  the  motoring  public  and tourism  development and members or  representatives  of  the  upstate  New  York  tourism  council  and  of  the  downstate  New York tourism council. The  commissioner, or his or her duly designated representative, shall  serve  as  chair. Members of the advisory board shall receive no pay, but shall  be  eligible  to  receive  actual  and  necessary  expenses  from  their  respective   agencies,   or  for  the  expenses  of  representatives  of  organizations related to the  promotion  and  development  of  a  scenic  byway,  the  preservation  of  scenic qualities, the motoring public and  tourism development, from  the  department.  The  advisory  board  shall  consult  with  the Adirondack Park Agency regarding scenic byways within  the Adirondack Park. The advisory board  shall  also  consult  with  the  Hudson  River  Valley Communities Council regarding scenic byways within  the Hudson River Valley Greenway as defined in article forty-four of the  environmental conservation law. The advisory board  shall  consult  with  the Niagara River Greenway Commission regarding scenic byways within the  Niagara  River  Greenway as defined in article thirty-nine of the parks,  recreation and historic  preservation  law.  The  advisory  board  shall  consult  with  the  upstate  New  York  tourism council regarding scenic  byways in the upstate New York region, and with the downstate  New  York  tourism  council  regarding  scenic  byways  in  the  downstate New York  region.    2. The New York state scenic byways  advisory  board  shall  have  the  following duties:    (a)  To  develop  and  make recommendations to the commissioner on the  organization  and  operation  of   a   scenic   byways   program.   Such  recommendations shall include recommendations on the following:    (i)  consideration  of  the scenic beauty and historic significance of  highways proposed  for  designation  as  scenic  byways  and  the  areas  surrounding such highways;    (ii)  operation  and  management  standards for highways designated as  scenic byways, including strategies for  maintaining  or  improving  the  qualities  for  which  a  highway  is  designated as a scenic byway, for  protecting and enhancing the landscape and  view  corridors  surrounding  such a highway, and for minimizing traffic congestion on such a highway;    (iii)  standards for scenic byway related signs, including those which  identify highways as scenic byways;    (iv) standards for maintaining highway  safety  on  the  scenic  byway  system;    (v) measures to safely accommodate the largest variety of scenic byway  users  including,  but not limited to, persons travelling by automobile,recreation vehicle, motor coach, bicycle, snowmobile, watercraft,  horse  and by foot;    (vi)  design  review  procedures  for  location of highway facilities,  landscaping, and travellers facilities on the scenic byway system;    (vii) procedures for reviewing and terminating the  designation  of  a  highway designated as a scenic byway;    (viii)  such other matters as may be necessary or desirable to further  the purposes of this program.    (b) To evaluate and recommend to the commissioner and the  legislature  amendments  of  the statutes and regulations relevant to the furtherance  of a cohesive system of scenic byways.    3. The advisory board shall report to the governor and the legislature  within one year of the effective date of this article,  and  by  January  first each year thereafter on the implementation of this program. In the  first  report  required  by  this  subdivision, the advisory board shall  provide  a  scenic  byways  program  implementation   plan   identifying  essential  components  for  the New York state scenic byways system, and  recommending actions  by  the  legislature  that  may  be  necessary  to  implement  a  cohesive  and  coordinated scenic byways program that will  serve  the  goals  of  preserving  and  protecting   scenic,   historic,  recreational,    cultural   and   archeological   resources,   enhancing  recreation, economic development through tourism and  education  in  the  history and culture of New York state.