254 - Acquisition of certain toll bridges at the expense of the state.

§  254.  Acquisition  of  certain  toll  bridges at the expense of the  state.   1. If a toll bridge  for  the  traffic  of  vehicles  and  foot  passengers  is  located  on  a state highway or constitutes a connecting  link between two state routes as  described  in  section  three  hundred  forty-one of this chapter, or constitutes a part of a state route and is  included  in  the  description thereof, or constitutes a connecting link  between improved state highways or constitutes a connecting link between  a state highway  heretofore  improved  and  a  state  highway  which  is  indicated  for improvement by section three hundred forty-one, the board  of supervisors of the county in which such bridge  is  situated,  or  if  situated  in  two  counties  the  boards of supervisors of such counties  concurrently,  may,  by   resolution,   petition   the   department   of  transportation  for the acquisition of such bridge by the state pursuant  to this section. Within ten days after the passage  of  such  resolution  the clerk or clerks of the board or boards of supervisors shall transmit  certified  copies  thereof  to the department of transportation together  with an estimate of the probable cost of acquiring the same and any data  in  relation  to  the  value  thereof  which  the  board  or  boards  of  supervisors may secure.    2.  The  commissioner  of  transportation  shall  upon receipt of such  resolution or concurrent resolution, and within three months thereafter,  investigate  and  determine  whether  the  public  interest  demand  the  acquisition of such bridge by the state and shall also within said three  months  approve  or disapprove of such resolution and if such resolution  be approved shall prepare an estimate of the probable cost of  acquiring  such  bridge.  If  such  resolution  be  disapproved  the  department of  transportation shall certify its reason therefor to such board or boards  of supervisors.    3. If it be  approved  the  department  of  transportation  is  hereby  authorized  and  empowered to agree with the corporation owning the said  bridge upon the compensation which shall be made  to  it  for  the  said  bridge  and  its  appurtenances,  its  franchises,  its  rights  for the  maintenance and use of said bridge, and any and all damage  which  shall  result  to  said  corporation so owning the said bridge by reason of the  taking of such structure, and such agreement shall be reduced to writing  and executed by the department of transportation  in  the  name  of  the  people  of  the state of New York and by the corporation owning the said  bridge, and filed in the office of the comptroller of the state  of  New  York.    4.  In  the  event  that  no  agreement  is  reached  between the said  department of transportation and the corporation owning the said  bridge  for  such  purchase as aforesaid, the department of transportation shall  certify its approval to the attorney general and  transmit  to  him  the  estimate  made  by the department of transportation of the probable cost  of acquiring such toll bridge, franchises and rights, and the amount  of  any  and all damage incurred by such acquisition, together with all data  the department of transportation may have in its possession in  relation  thereto.    5.  Upon  the  receipt  of  such  certificate of approval, if and when  sufficient money shall have been appropriated by the state therefor, the  attorney general shall acquire in the name of the people of the state in  accordance with the provisions of  the  eminent  domain  procedure  law,  title  to such bridge and the franchise therof; and, in such event, such  corporation shall have pursuant to the eminent domain procedure law  the  right  to prosecute in the court of claims which shall have jurisdiction  in the premises, any claim which it may have for damages for the takings  of its said property.6.  The  amount  agreed  upon   between   the   said   department   of  transportation  and  the said corporation, pursuant to such agreement so  filed as aforesaid, or  if  no  agreement  be  reached,  the  amount  so  determined by the court, shall be paid by the department of taxation and  finance   upon  the  warrant  of  the  comptroller  out  of  the  moneys  appropriated for such purpose. Until payment to such corporation be made  after such agreement of the amount therein agreed to  be  paid  or  upon  acquisition,  unless the commissioner of transportation shall enter upon  and take possession of such property as provided by this section,  until  the  amount  so  determined  by  the court of claims in such acquisition  proceedings, the corporation owning the said bridge shall be entitled to  continue in possession and use thereof and of all the rights, privileges  and franchises enjoyed by it in  connection  therewith,  but  upon  such  payment  being  made  such  bridge  and  all  rights  and  franchises in  connection therewith shall become the property of the state of New  York  and  shall  be maintained by the state as a free bridge and as a part of  the state system of highways.    7. If such bridge be acquired by the state pursuant  to  this  section  the  same  shall  not  be  used  except  as  hereinafter provided by any  railroad, telephone, gas, electric light, heat or power company  or  any  other  public  service  corporation  for  any  purpose  except upon such  reasonable terms and the payment of such reasonable rental to the  state  as  shall  be  determined by the department of transportation. The money  received therefor shall be paid into the  state  treasury  and  so  much  thereof  as  may  be  needed  appropriated  for  the maintenance of such  bridge. The provisions of this section, however, shall  not  affect  any  existing  contract  for the use of such bridge by any corporation except  that the compensation provided for such use in  such  existing  contract  shall be paid to the state.    8.  Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if any such bridge  be owned by a domestic corporation carrying on the business of operating  a  railroad  and  which  operates  cars  thereover,  the  department  of  transportation  in  entering into such agreement or the commissioners in  condemnation in  making  such  appraisal  and  fixing  such  damages  as  aforesaid  may  take  into  consideration  any bonds outstanding of such  corporation  which  may  have  been  authorized  by  the  department  of  transportation  or  the  predecessor  thereof,  to  be  issued  by  such  corporation for the purchase of said bridge and its  franchises  or  the  stock  of any corporation formerly owning the said bridge, and shall fix  and determine in making such appraisal the amount of any and all  damage  which will result to such corporation so owning such bridge by reason of  the  taking  of  the  said  bridge  and  its  rights  and  franchises in  connection therewith and such corporation when said  bridge  shall  have  been  acquired  and such compensation paid, and its successors, shall be  permitted to continue  to  use  said  structure  upon  payment  of  such  reasonable  rental  to  the state for such use as shall be determined by  the department of transportation, and  further  provided  that  if  such  corporation,  or any successor thereof, should desire to use other parts  or decks of such bridge or to make such use thereof as would require the  strengthening, reconstruction or  change  of  the  said  bridge  or  its  approaches,  or  the building of new approaches to the said bridge, such  corporation or its successors may make such use thereof and  strengthen,  reconstruct or make such changes in the said bridge or its approaches or  build  new approaches to the said bridge and use the same in such manner  upon filing with the department of transportation detailed plans for the  proposed new use thereof, or for the strengthening, reconstruction of or  changes in the said bridge or its approaches or for the building of  new  approaches  to  the said bridge, and upon obtaining the approval of suchuse and plans by the department of transportation and  upon  payment  of  such  further reasonable rental to the state for any such additional use  of said structure or such approaches  as  shall  be  determined  by  the  department  of  transportation; provided further that the entire cost of  any such strengthening, reconstruction, additions or changes of the said  bridge or its approaches shall be paid exclusively  by  the  corporation  making  such use of said bridge and shall be deemed to be an expenditure  for capital purposes  of  such  corporation  paying  the  same  for  all  purposes  whatsoever. Any such corporation using such bridge at the time  of the acquisition thereof by the  state  shall  not  be  debarred  from  continuing  such  use  by reason of such acquisition; but the failure or  refusal to comply with such terms or to pay such  rental  shall  forfeit  the  right of such corporation to use such bridge, and the department of  transportation is hereby authorized and empowered to close  such  bridge  to the use of such offending corporation.    9.  Any  act  or  failure  to  act  on  the  part of the department of  transportation as in this section provided shall be  reviewable  by  the  supreme   court  of  this  state  in  the  manner  provided  by  article  seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules.