28 - Keeping or pasturing of cattle; damages; penalty.

§  28.  Keeping  or pasturing of cattle; damages; penalty.  Any person  who keeps, pastures, has in his possession, or under  his  control,  any  horses,  cattle,  or  other  animals, on lands contained in the Onondaga  Indian reservation, unless the same are kept, pastured, or possessed, as  provided in section twenty-four of this article, shall be  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor,  and shall be liable for treble damages for any injury done  by such cattle, horses, or other animals while on said reservation.  Any  person  who  shall  keep,  pasture, have in his possession, or under his  control, any cattle, horses or other animals, on lands contained  within  the  Onondaga  Indian  reservation  and  leased  under the provisions of  section twenty-four of this article,  shall  be  liable  to  the  person  damaged  for  any  injury done by such cattle, horses, or other animals,  through trespass or otherwise; and the fact that the person damaged,  or  any  other person, has failed to erect any fences, or has failed to keep  any fences in repair, shall be no defense in  an  action  brought  under  this section, for injury done by such cattle, horses or other animals.