4238 - Group annuity contracts.

§  4238. Group annuity contracts. (a) Any policy or contract, except a  joint, reversionary or survivorship annuity contract, whereby  annuities  are payable dependent upon the continuance of the lives of more than one  person,  shall  be deemed a group annuity contract. The party or parties  to whom or to which such contract is issued, as herein  provided,  shall  be  deemed  the  holder  of such contract. The term "annuitant", as used  herein, refers to any person upon whose continued life such  annuity  is  dependent.    (b)  No authorized insurer shall deliver or issue for delivery in this  state any group annuity contract except the following:    (1) A contract issued  to  an  employer,  which  permits  all  of  the  employees  of such employer or of any specified class or classes thereof  to become annuitants.    (2) A contract issued to an employers' association which  permits  all  of  the employees of such employers or of any specified class or classes  thereof to become annuitants. Such employers'  association  may  provide  for the representation of annuitants on its board of directors.    (3)  A  contract  issued  to  a  labor  union which permits all of the  members of such union or of any specified class or  classes  thereof  to  become annuitants.    (4)  A  contract  issued  to the trustees of a trust established by an  employer, or by an employers' association,  or  by  one  or  more  labor  unions,  or by one or more employers and one or more labor unions, which  permits all of the employees of the employers or all of the  members  of  the  unions,  or  all  of  any  class  or  classes  thereof,  to  become  annuitants.    (5) A contract issued to an association of  persons  having  a  common  interest,  calling  or  profession  who  constitute a homogeneous group,  which association has a constitution and by-laws and  is  organized  and  maintained  in good faith for purposes other than obtaining annuities or  to trustees of a trust established by such an association which  permits  all  members  of the association and their employees or of any specified  class or classes thereof to become annuitants.    (6) A contract issued to a bank or trust company or trustees of one or  more trusts which permit individuals for whom contributions are made  to  individual  retirement  accounts  or for individual retirement annuities  described in section four hundred eight of the Internal Revenue Code  of  1954 to become annuitants.    (7)  A  contract  issued  to the trustees of one or more trusts (other  than trusts described in paragraph four hereof) for  employees  of  more  than  one  employer  which  permits  all  of  the employees of each such  employer or  of  any  specified  class  or  classes  thereof  to  become  annuitants,  provided  that  if payments made to the insurer are derived  wholly from funds contributed by such employees, the insurer shall issue  a certificate complying with the requirements of this chapter applicable  to individual annuities for delivery to each employee who contributes to  the contract.    (8) A contract issued to the trustees of  a  foundation  or  endowment  fund  which  permits  any  specified  class  or  classes of professional  persons to become annuitants.    (9) A contract issued to an association, or the trustee or trustees of  a trust established, or participated in, by one  or  more  associations,  which  permits  all  of  the  members of the associations, or all of any  specified class or classes thereof, to become annuitants subject to  the  following:    each association shall have:    (A) a minimum of two hundred covered members at the contract's date of  issue;(B)   been  organized  and  maintained  in  good  faith  for  purposes  principally other than that of obtaining annuities;    (C) been in active existence for at least two years; and    (D) a constitution and by-laws which provide that:    (i)  the  association holds regular meetings not less than annually to  further purposes of the association;    (ii) the association collects  dues  or  solicits  contributions  from  members; and    (iii)  the  members  have  voting privileges and representation on the  governing board and committees.    (10) A contract issued to any organization, or the trustee or trustees  of a trust established, or participated in,  by  one  or  more  of  such  organizations which permits certain persons to become annuitants subject  to the following:    (A) the organization must be:    (i)  a  bank, retailer, or other issuer of a credit card, charge card,  or payment card which can be used to buy  goods  or  services,  and  the  contract must cover holders of that card; or    (ii)  a bank, savings and loan association, credit union, mutual fund,  money market fund, stockbroker, or other similar  financial  institution  regulated  by  state  or  federal  law,  and the contract must cover the  depositors, account holders, or members of that institution; and    (B) the organization or organizations shall  have  a  minimum  of  two  hundred covered persons at the contract's date of issue.    (11)  A  contract  issued  to the trustees of one or more trusts which  permits any specified class or classes of  plaintiffs  or  claimants  to  become  annuitants  with  respect  to  amounts  paid or payable on their  behalf by way of settlement, judgment or other award. Any such  contract  or  any certificate issued in connection with such contract shall not be  subject to section  four  thousand  two  hundred  twenty-three  of  this  article.    (c) Payments made to the insurer under a group annuity contract may be  derived  in  whole  or  in  part  from  funds contributed by the persons  covered thereunder. A group of employees covered under  a  contract  may  include  retired  employees, employees of affiliates and subsidiaries of  the employer, individual proprietors affiliated with the  employer,  and  partners  and  employees of individuals affiliated with the employer and  of firms controlled by the employer.    (d) Anything in this chapter  to  the  contrary  notwithstanding,  any  group  annuity  contract  may  provide  for  readjustment of the rate of  premium consideration or deposit based on the experience  thereunder  at  the  end  of the first contract year or of any subsequent contract year,  and such readjustment may be made retroactive  only  for  such  contract  year.  Any  such rate readjustment shall be computed on a basis which is  equitable to all group annuity contracts.    (e) No domestic, foreign or alien  life  insurance  company  shall  be  permitted to do business in this state if it hereafter issues, within or  without  this  state,  any  group annuity contract which on its issuance  does not appear to be self-supporting on reasonable  assumptions  as  to  interest, mortality and expense.