9111-C - Temporary franchise tax on certain insurance companies.

§  9111-c. Temporary franchise tax on certain insurance companies. (a)  Imposition. (1) For the privilege of conducting business in  this  state  and  in  addition  to  any  other requirements therefor, every insurance  company subject to the franchise  tax  imposed  by  subdivision  (a)  of  section  fifteen  hundred  ten  of  the  tax  law,  other than insurance  companies whose  premiums  are  received  solely  as  consideration  for  accident and health insurance policies, shall pay a franchise tax of two  percent  of  all  gross  direct  premiums, less return premiums thereon,  written during the "event year" as such term is defined in the following  sentence on risk located or residing in this state. For the purposes  of  this  section,  "event  year" shall mean (A) the calendar year preceding  any calendar year in which the association fails to make  transfers  and  deposits  to  the  miscellaneous  special  revenue  fund  that have been  authorized by subsections (a) and (b)  of  section  five  thousand  five  hundred sixteen-f of this chapter or (B) the calendar year preceding the  year in which a final judicial determination invalidating some or all of  the  provisions  of  such  section  five thousand five hundred sixteen-f  requires a return from the miscellaneous special revenue fund of any  or  all  of  the  amounts  transferred  and  deposited in such miscellaneous  special revenue fund pursuant to such section five thousand five hundred  sixteen-f.    (2) Determination of direct premiums general provisions. (A) The  term  "premium"  includes  all amounts received as consideration for insurance  contracts or reinsurance contracts, other than  for  annuity  contracts,  and shall include premium deposits, assessments, policy fees, membership  fees,  and  every  other compensation for such contract. In ascertaining  the amount of direct premiums upon which a tax  is  payable  under  this  section  there  shall  be  first  determined  the  amount of total gross  premiums or deposit premiums or assessments, less return thereon, on all  policies,  certificates,  renewals,  policies  subsequently   cancelled,  insurance  and  reinsurance executed, issued or delivered on property or  risks  located  or  resident  in  this  state,  including  premiums  for  reinsurance  assumed,  and  also including premiums written, procured or  received  in  this  state  on  business  which  cannot  specifically  be  allocated  or apportioned and reported as taxable premiums or which have  been used as a measure of a tax  on  business  of  any  other  state  or  states.  Provided, however, in the case of special risk premiums, direct  premiums shall include only those premiums written, procured or received  in this state on property or risks located or resident  in  this  state.  The  reporting  of  premiums  for the purpose of the tax imposed by this  section shall be on a written basis or on a  paid-for  basis  consistent  with  the  basis  required  by  the  annual  statement  filed  with  the  superintendent pursuant to section three hundred seven of this chapter.    (B) The term "gross direct premiums," as used in this  section,  shall  not  include  premiums  for  policies  issued  pursuant  to section four  thousand two  hundred  thirty-six  of  this  chapter  and  premiums  for  insurance  upon hulls, freights, or disbursements, or upon goods, wares,  merchandise and all other personal property and  interests  therein,  in  the  course  of  exportation  from,  importation  into  any  county,  or  transportation coastwide, including transportation by land or water from  point of origin to final destination in respect to, appertaining to,  or  in  connection  with, any and all risks or perils of navigation, transit  or transportation, and while being  prepared  for,  and  while  awaiting  shipment  and  during  any  delays, storage, transshipment or reshipment  incident thereto, including war risks and marine builder's risks.    (C) After determining the amount of total gross premiums, less returns  thereon, as provided in this subsection, there  shall  be  deducted  the  following items:(i)  Such  premiums,  less  return  premiums  thereon, which have been  received by way of  reinsurance  from  corporations  or  other  insurers  authorized to transact business in this state;    (ii) Dividends on such direct business, including unused or unabsorbed  portions  of premium deposits paid or credited to policyholders, but not  including deferred dividends paid in cash to policyholders  on  maturing  policies, nor cash surrender values.    (D)  In  determining  the  amount  of  direct premiums taxable in this  state, all such premiums written, procured, or received  in  this  state  shall be deemed written on property or risks located or resident in this  state  except such premiums as are properly allocated or apportioned and  reported as taxable premiums or which have been used as a measure  of  a  tax  of  any  other  state  or states, provided, however, in the case of  special risk premiums, direct premiums shall include only those premiums  written, procured or received in this state on property or risks located  or resident in this state.    (b) Payment. Taxes due  under  this  section  shall  be  paid  to  the  superintendent in such manner as the superintendent shall prescribe. The  tax  shall  be  paid in two installments. The first installment shall be  due in thirty days of the time at which  the  superintendent  determines  such  tax  is to be paid and shall be no less than ninety percent of the  tax ultimately determined to be due under this section. The  balance  of  any tax due shall be paid on the next succeeding March twenty-fifth. The  superintendent  is  hereby  authorized  and directed to deposit payments  made under this section, and any interest and  penalties  thereon,  into  the miscellaneous special revenue fund.    (c)  Returns  and  reports.  A  return,  in  a  form prescribed by the  superintendent, shall accompany the tax payment due March  twenty-fifth.  In  addition, the superintendent may prescribe a return to accompany the  first installment.    (d) Interest and penalties. (1) Interest. If any amount of tax is  not  paid  on  or before the date prescribed for payment thereof in paragraph  two  of  this  subsection,  interest  on  such  amount  of  tax  at  the  underpayment  rate  set  by  the  commissioner  of  taxation and finance  pursuant to section one thousand ninety-six of the  tax  law,  plus  one  percentage  point,  shall  be  paid to the superintendent for the period  from the date prescribed for payment until the date paid.    (2)  Underpayment  penalty.  If  the  amount  of  tax  paid  by  March  twenty-fifth  is  less  than  ninety-five  percent of the tax ultimately  determined to be due pursuant to  this  section,  a  penalty  is  hereby  imposed  equal  to  one  hundred  percent  of the difference between the  amount  of  tax  actually  paid  and  ninety-five  percent  of  the  tax  ultimately  determined  to  be due. In addition, this penalty shall bear  interest at the rate set forth in paragraph one of this  subsection  for  the period from the due date until the date the penalty is paid.    (e)  Coordination  with  other laws. Notwithstanding the provisions of  section one thousand one hundred twelve  of  this  chapter,  taxes  paid  pursuant  to  this section shall not be considered in the calculation of  reciprocal taxes due this state pursuant to  section  one  thousand  one  hundred  twelve  of  this  chapter.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of  subdivision (c) of section fifteen hundred eleven of the tax law,  taxes  paid  to other states on account of the imposition of the tax imposed by  this section shall not be included in the calculation of the tax  credit  provided for by subdivision (c) of section fifteen hundred eleven of the  tax law.    (f)  Return of excess collections. In the event that total collections  from the assessment levied pursuant to this  section  shall  exceed  the  amount   required  to  be  transferred  and  deposited  by  the  medicalmalpractice insurance association into the miscellaneous special revenue  fund pursuant to section five thousand five hundred  sixteen-f  of  this  chapter,  amounts  in  excess  of  such  amount shall be returned to the  companies  that  paid  such  assessment  on  a pro rata basis. Provided,  further, that the amount required to be so transferred and deposited  as  used  in  the  preceding  sentence  shall  be  reduced  by the "retained  amount", if any, as such term is defined in the following sentence.  For  the purposes of this section, the term "retained amount", shall mean any  amount  paid  into  the miscellaneous special revenue fund in accordance  with the provisions of section five thousand five hundred  sixteen-f  of  this  chapter  which is not the subject of any state or federal judicial  challenge at the time the calculation  of  amounts  to  be  returned  to  insurers pursuant to this subsection is to be made.    (g)  Conditional application of tax. The provisions of subsections (a)  through (e) of this section shall apply to all premiums  written  during  the  "event year" as such term is defined in paragraph one of subsection  (a) of this section. Provided, however, that if the portion  of  amounts  received  by  the  miscellaneous  special  revenue fund from the medical  malpractice  insurance  association  pursuant  to  the  requirements  of  section five thousand five hundred sixteen-f of this chapter is not less  than  the  amount  required  to  be  transferred  and  deposited  to the  miscellaneous special revenue fund pursuant  to  section  five  thousand  five  hundred  sixteen-f  of  this chapter then the superintendent shall  certify to the commissioner  of  taxation  and  finance  no  later  than  February fifth following the calendar year in which transfer and deposit  is  required to be made by the medical malpractice insurance association  that the required transfer and deposit of such amounts has been made  to  and received by the miscellaneous special revenue fund and in such event  the tax otherwise imposed by subsections (a) through (e) of this section  shall  not be imposed and the provisions of such subsections (a) through  (e) shall in such event not be applied. Provided further, however,  that  if  there  is a final judicial determination invalidating some or all of  the provisions of section five thousand five hundred sixteen-f  of  this  chapter  and  requiring  a return from the miscellaneous special revenue  fund of any or all of  the  amounts  transferred  and  deposited  to  it  pursuant  to such section five thousand five hundred sixteen-f, then the  tax imposed pursuant to the provisions of subsections (a) through (e) of  this section shall be reinstated and the provisions of such  subsections  (a)  through  (e)  shall  in  such  event be applied. In such event, the  superintendent shall notify the commissioner  of  taxation  and  finance  that  such  amounts  have  been  returned from the miscellaneous special  revenue fund and the taxes imposed pursuant to subsections  (a)  through  (e)  of this section as modified by subsection (f) of this section shall  be due and payable within thirty days of such notification.    (h) Judicial review. Notwithstanding any other law:    (1) Application  for  judicial  review  of  final  determination  time  limitation;  deposit; undertaking. Any final determination of the amount  of any tax payable under subsections (a) through  (e)  of  this  section  shall  be reviewable for error, illegality or unconstitutionality or any  other reason whatsoever by a proceeding under article  seventy-eight  of  the  civil practice law and rules if application therefor is made to the  supreme court within four months after the giving of the notice of  such  final  determination,  provided, however, that any such proceeding under  article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules shall  not  be  instituted  unless (A) the amount of any tax sought to be reviewed, with  such interest and penalties thereon as may be provided for by such  law,  shall  be  first deposited with the superintendent and there is filed an  undertaking, issued by a surety company authorized to transact  businessin  this  state  and  approved  by the superintendent as to solvency and  responsibility, in such amount as a justice of the supreme  court  shall  approve  to  the  effect that if such proceeding be dismissed or the tax  confirmed the petitioner will pay all costs and charges which may accrue  in  the  prosecution  of  such  proceeding  or  (B) at the option of the  petitioner, such undertaking may be  in  sum  sufficient  to  cover  the  taxes,  interest  and  penalties  stated in such determination, plus the  costs and charges which may accrue against it in the prosecution of  the  proceeding,  in  which  event  the  petitioner  shall not be required to  deposit such taxes, interest or penalties as a  condition  precedent  to  the application.    (2)  Judicial  review of superintendent's denial of timely application  for refund or revision, time  limitation;  undertaking.  Where  any  tax  imposed  under  such  subsections  (a)  through  (e)  of this section is  asserted to  have  been  erroneously,  illegally  or  unconstitutionally  assessed or collected and application for the refund or revision thereof  timely  made  to  the  superintendent, and the superintendent shall have  made a determination denying such refund or revision, such determination  shall be reviewable by a proceeding under article seventy-eight  of  the  civil  practice  law  and  rules,  provided  (A) that such proceeding is  instituted within four months after giving of the notice of such denial,  (B) that a final determination of tax due was not previously  made,  and  (C)  that an undertaking is filed with the superintendent in such amount  and with such sureties as a justice of the supreme court  shall  approve  to  the  effect  that  if  such  proceeding  be  dismissed,  or  the tax  confirmed, the petitioner will pay  all  costs  and  charges  which  may  accrue in the prosecution of such proceeding.    (3)  Exception.  Action  for  declaratory  judgment;  time limitation;  deposit; undertaking. Except as provided in paragraphs one  and  two  of  this  subsection,  no  determination  or  proposed  determination of tax  imposed under subsections (a) through  (e)  of  this  section  shall  be  enjoined  or  reviewed  by an action for declaratory judgment, an action  for money had and received or by any action or proceeding under  article  seventy-eight  of  the  civil practice law and rules, provided, however,  that a  taxpayer  may  proceed  by  declaratory  judgment,  if  suit  is  instituted  within thirty days after issuance of a notice of tax due and  the amount of the tax in controversy, with such interest  and  penalties  thereon  as  may  be  provided  by such law, shall be deposited with the  superintendent and there is filed an undertaking,  issued  by  a  surety  company  authorized  to  transact business in this state and approved by  the superintendent as to solvency and responsibility, in such amount  as  a  justice of the supreme court shall approve to the effect that if such  proceeding be dismissed or the tax confirmed the petitioner will pay all  costs and charges which may accrue in the prosecution of such proceeding  or at the option of the petitioner, such undertaking may  be  in  a  sum  sufficient  to  cover  the  taxes, interest and penalties stated in such  notice, plus the costs and charges which may accrue against  it  in  the  prosecution  of  the proceeding, in which event the petitioner shall not  be required to deposit such taxes, interest or penalties as a  condition  precedent to the application.    (4)  Venue  for  any  action  or proceeding. Venue for any declaratory  judgment action, article seventy-eight proceeding or any other action or  proceeding in relation to this section shall be in  the  supreme  court,  Albany  county, and any such action or proceeding shall be entitled to a  preference both at trial and in any appeal.